Gas choice: You can
only use these four
percentage must be
equal to 100 to close
the window.
« 2 torch gases »:
If you use a gas which contain H2, system proposes to
use this function. This function uses both gas line for
the torch in order to avoid ignition difficulties and
electrode fast wear linked to the use of H2. This
necessitate to realize a "Y" between power source gas
outlets and torch gas connector. Pure Argon is
connected on the torch inlet and gas with H2 is
connected on backgas inlet. Pure Argon is send until
ignition, then power source switch to gas with H2. At
the end of welding, power source switches back the
pure Argon.
SAS au capital de 135 720 € - RCS Romans B414 581 363 – Code APE 2841 Z – Siret 414 581 363 00028 – TVA FR13414 581 363
Gas parameters:
By default, Argon for torch and for tube inside.
Be careful to select the gas you will use
because the flow measurement is based on
the selected gas so it will be wrong if the gas
is different.
Start :
START: Weld starts when you press the
start button.
PPM O2: After pressing the start button,
the welding will start only when the level of
oxygen will be acceptable.
Gas backgas :
NO: power source does not manage
YES: power source manage backgas. If
Start is « START », you can enter the
length to inert so as system calculates
automatically the time to reach 100 ppm
O2. If start is "PPM O2", power source will
send gas backgas until the level of oxygen
is acceptable.
330B Route de Portes Les Valence - ZI Les Bosses - 26800 Etoile sur Rhône
- 59 -