Honing the Blade
Push the handle down until the blade 1/8" (3mm) above the tabletop. Place the provided Hone Stone against the
flat side of the blade. Slide the honing stone from one end of the blade to the other 3-4 times. This will remove
any burrs from your blade.
When you first get your shear, you should hone after your 5th cut, then hone your blade every 10th cut for the
first 100 cuts until your blade is broken in. From there, you only need to hone once per job. Use caution when
honing the blade. The blade is sharp and can easily cause injury. Cut-resistant gloves are recommended when
honing the blade.
For more information on honing
your blade, scan the QR code or visit
Sharpening the Blade
The blade can be sharpened to restore a one-sided, 21° – 22° knife edge. It is important to note that the blade
must be sharpened only on the beveled side, leaving the flat side flat. We recommend that power grinding only
be done professionally, as the blade must be fluid cooled during this process.
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104 S. 8th Ave. Marshalltown, IA Phone 800-888-0127 / 641-753-0127 • Fax 800-477-6341 / 641-753-6341