Grundfos TP Instrucciones De Seguridad E Información Importante página 6

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CN: 欧盟符合性声明
我们,格兰富,在我们的全权责任下声明,产品 TP, TPD 系列,其制
MK: Декларација за сообразност на ЕЗ/ЕУ
Ние, Grundfos, изјавуваме под целосна одговорност дека
производите TP, TPD, на кои се однесува долунаведената
декларација, се во согласност со овие директиви на Советот за
приближување на законите на земјите-членки на ЕЗ/ЕY.
AL: Deklara e konformitetit të KE/BE
Ne, Grundfos, deklarojmë vetëm nën përgjegjësinë tonë se produktet
TP, TPD, me të cilat lidhet kjo deklaratë, janë në pajtueshmëri me
direktivat e Këshillit të renditura më poshtë për përafrimin e ligjeve të
shteteve anëtare të KE-/BE-së.
ID: Deklarasi kesesuaian Komunitas Eropa/Uni
Kami, Grundfos, menyatakan dengan tanggung jawab kami sendiri
bahwa produk TP, TPD, yang berkaitan dengan pernyataan ini, sesuai
dengan Petunjuk Dewan berikut ini serta sedapat mungkin sesuai
dengan hukum negara-negara anggota Komunitas Eropa/Uni Eropa.
‫: إق رار مطابق ة االتح اد األوروب ي‬
‫أن المنتجي‬
‫ة ب‬
‫ؤوليتنا الفردي‬
‫، الل ذين يخت ص بھم ا اإلق رار أدن اه، يكون ان مط ابقين لتوجيھ ات‬
‫المجل س الم ذكورة أدن اه بش أن التقري ب بي ن ق وانين ال دول أعض اء االتح اد‬
Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC).
Standards used: EN 809:1998 + A1:2009.
Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC).
Electric motors:
Commission Regulation No 640/2009.
Applies only to three-phase Grundfos motors marked IE3, or IE2
(use with variable speed drive only). See motor nameplate.
Standard used: EN 60034-30:2009.
Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC).
Water pumps:
Commission Regulation No 547/2012.
Applies only to water pumps marked with the minimum efficiency
index MEI. See pump nameplate.
RoHS Directives: 2011/65/EU and 2015/863/EU.
Standard used: EN 50581:2012.
These Directive and standards apply until and including 31st October
ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU).
Applies only to products with the ATEX mark on the nameplate.
Declaration of conformity and installation and operating
instructions of the motor are enclosed.
Standards used: EN 13463-1:2009 and EN 13463-5:2011.
Notified body holding a copy of the technical file: DEKRA
Certification B.V., Meander 1051/P.O. Box 5185, 6825 MJ
ARNHEM/6802 ED ARMHEM, The Netherlands.
These Directive and standards apply from 1st November 2019 and
ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU)
Applies only to products with the ATEX mark on the nameplate.
Standards used: EN 80079-36:2016 and EN 80079-37:2016
Declaration of conformity and installation and operating
instructions of the motor are enclosed.
Notified body holding a copy of technical file: DEKRA Certification
B.V., Meander 1051/P.O. Box 5185, 6825 MJ ARNHEM/6802 ED
ARMHEM, The Netherlands.
This EU declaration of conformity is only valid when published as part
of the Grundfos safety instructions (publication number 98899233
Suzhou, Jiang Su Province, PRC 6th June 2019
Ronnie Hou
Senior manager, D&E Single-Stage
Grundfos Holding A/S
Poul Due Jensens Vej 7
8850 Bjerringbro, Denmark
Person authorised to compile the technical file and empowered to
sign the EU declaration of conformity.
‫ى مس‬
‫دفوس، بمقتض‬
‫ن، جرون‬
‫ر نح‬
‫األوروب ي‬
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