Tipp: Mit einem Schuss Cognac, Rum oder Amaretto (4-6cl) wird das
Schokofondue zu einem köstlichen Dessert für Erwachsene.
Mit ein wenig Fantasie entwickeln Sie schnell Ihre eigenen Kreationen.
Einfach ausprobieren!
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude mit Ihrem Schokofondue. Guten Appetit!
Care and safety instructions
Dear KELA customer,
We congratulate you on the purchase of your long-lasting quality product
from Kela. In order to have many years of enjoyment with it, please read the
following product information and instructions for use and care, as well as
the safety recommendations.
Chocolate fondue is never out of season as a popular dessert for old and
young. We are sure you will quickly find your own favourite recipes.
Safety instructions
Only use the ceramic bowl on the rechaud and with a tea light. This bowl is
not suitable for heating the chocolate on a stove top.
Make sure that your chocolate fondue set is standing in a stable position.
Never allow children near the equipment unless they are supervised.
Recipe idea: Ingredients to serve 4 - 6
250 g cream or full-cream milk
200 g cooking chocolate
200 g milk chocolate
Sponge fingers to taste
Approx. 200 g fruit per person (apples, pears, grapes, kiwifruit, bananas,
pineapple, strawberries - whatever you prefer)
Heat the cream or milk in a saucepan on the stove top (do not boil). Add
small pieces of chocolate and melt over a low heat. Stir constantly.
For a thinner consistency, add more cream or full-cream milk to the
chocolate mixture. Cut the fruit into small bite-sized pieces and arrange
decoratively on a plate. Chop the sponge fingers and place in a bowl. Place