By card or PIN
Read the card. The lock will unlock. Or input the PIN +#. The lock
will unlock.
Change PIN without entering programming mode
* read user card, input old PIN #, input new PIN # repeat new PIN
* input ID number # input old PIN #, input new PIN # repeat new PIN
Note: The PIN for Zone 1 must start with 1, and the PIN for Zone 2
must start with 2.
7. Alarm function
Tamper alarm
If the device is disassembled by burglary, the internal buzzer and
external alarm (if connected) will sound.
Open door alarm
If you have connected a wired door sensor to the access control
keypad and this sensor will trigger, the internal buzzer and external
alarm (if connected) will sound.
To turn off the alarm:
Read the user card or master card, or input the master PIN.
If you do not perform any operation, the alarm will turn off
automatically after 1 minute.
18 - User manual