The efrigeator sends out noises similar to the splashing or jeting of liquids.
• lt is because f the flowing of liquids and gases accoding o the opeating principies of the
erigeator. This is nomal, but not a ault.
There are noises similar to wind blowing.
• Fan is usad ar cooling down the efrigeator. This is nomal, but not a ault.
Condensate ater appeas on inner wall of the efrigeator.
• Hot and humid weather induces icing and ondensation. This is nomal, but not a aull
• lt is possibly that the door is not closed tightly; ou shall please make sue that the efrigeator doo
is closed ompletely.
• lt is possibly that the efrigeator door is apenad equently, or is not closed tightly ar a long time.
You shall please educe the equeny of opening the efrigeator door.
Thee is humidiy ouside the efrigeator or beeen the dos of the efrigeator.
• lt is possibly that the air is over-humid. In humid weather, this is ompletely nomal. When the
humidity dops, condensate water will disappear .
Peculiar smell appeas inside the efrigeator.
• lt is necessay to clean up the inside of the efrigeator. Use a sponge soaked with warm water or
soda water to clean up the inside of the erigeator.
• Sone conainer or packaging material will possibly induce the appeaance of peculiar smell. Use
difeent ontaines or packaging materials of dieent bands.
The eigeator dor is not closed.
• Food package will possiblyhinder the closing of the efrigeator door. ou shall please replace the
package hindering the closing of the efrigeator door.
• The erigeator is not completely upright on the gound, and will wing when being slightly moved.
You shall please adjust the elevating scews.
• The gound is not lat or not salid enough. You shall please make sue that, the gound is lat and
could bear the efrigeator.
Crisper is jammed.
• lt is possibly that the oods contat the oof of the drawer. ou shall please arange the oods
placed inside the dawer once again.