The piture herein is only schematic, and posibly not ompletely compliant with your product.
lf principal parts are not included in the product purchased by you, then it indiates that such principal
pats are appliable to other models.
Impotan! nolice:
1,The poduct appearance and specifialions may be varied without notice to raise the produt q uality.
2 , The product appreaance and specifiations may be varied with that of the related ene g y eflciency test
or the related saety test . etc.
1 . Display screen
2. Lamp
3. Upper shelf of rerigerating chamber
4. Lower shelf of refrigerating chamber
5. Glass shelf
6. Crisper shelf
7. Variable-temperatura crisper
8. Freezing chamber drawer
9. Ad j ustable ooting