1. lntelligent untion seting key
2.Quick feee funtion seting key
3.lntelligent untion display lamp
4.Quick feee funtion indiaor lamp
5.Refigeation/ feezing tempeatura display lamp
1.lntelligent function seting key
Pess the "lntelligent" key for a shot time to make the efrigeator enter the intelligent mode
or opeation.
2.Quick feeze function seting key
Pess the "Quick Feeze" key or a shot time to make the efrigeator enter the quick-feeze
mode or opeation.
3.lntelligent function display lamp
Under this mode, the efrigeator will adjust the tempeatua setting automatically acoding
to the changes of ambient tempeatua and the tempeatua inside the efrigeator, and it
does not need atificial adjustment, making you fee fom wory and saving your labour.
4.Quick feeze function indicator lamp
Aler the quick feeze unction indicator lamp tums on, the efrigeator will enter the quick
feeze mode. The quick feeze mode ould make oods totally fozen within a shot time.
Noe: This mode ould last or 6 hous and 48 hous. 11 the elgeaor entes lnto quick lze luntlon nomally, lt is
generally deaulted o be the mode f 6-hour qulck e. 11 nedlng 48-hour qulck leeze, ou will ned o ay out the
ollowing oeation: Under the sate thal the quick ze funlion has aken efet, pras the "Quick Faeze" key and
"Tempeatua" key ontinuously or 5s to enter lno the option ol settlng up qulck eeze time, the faezlng temperatua
display aaa will display the cuen! qulck ze time (unlt hour), and other ions will not be displayd; then, pess
"Tempeatua" key to set up quick eeze time, which may e set up to cycle aoding to the sequene f 48+ 6+ 48 ... +
6; ater automatic locking and onimation if thee is no ke-psing opeation wlthin 5s, or ater the "Quick Feeze" key is
passd or 3s, the seling will ake eet, and the algeator will atum to nomal sate. The quick faeze moda will ake
eet immdiaely aer the ompletion of our se!Ung. Aer the quick e time that ou set up is satisid, the lgeator
will xil om this moda auomatially, and asoa nomal onol.
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6.Refigeating chamber indiaor lamp
7.Feezing chamber indiaor lamp
8.Refigeatlon/ zlng chamer tempeatua settlng ey
9.Chamber seletion seting ey