mode value by zone enabling the object "Zone operation mode".
• Outdoor temperature. The configuration parameter "Outdoor Temperature" will
enable the communication object "Outdoor Temperature". Those parameter appear by
default as "Not connected".
If those peripheral devices are available in the system, they will be enabled from the
configuration menu.
• Radiant elements module. The following parameter displayed is "Radiant elements
module", that will appear by default as "Not connected". When changing the value of
this parameter to connected, a submenu will be displayed. With this submenu it is
possible to activate the radiant elements modules that are connected to the system.
As KNX gateway can control the first 23 zones from the 32 available, only 3 from the 4
modules that can be connected to the system can be controlled. In addition, if you select
in the previous parameter, in "System Model", the system "Acuazone", another option
will appear in this submenu that allows you to select the type of control made by radiant
modules "Heating", "Cooling" or "Combined (Cooling/Heating)". Depending on the
selection of the selected parameter value, the communication objects "Radiant
Cooling", "Combined Cooling", "Radiant Heating" and "Combined Heating" will be
The zone concerned may be activated/deactivated from the available zones menu. When the
zone is activated, the display shows the parameter "Airzone's Thermostat in the zone" next
to the available zones menu. The value by default of this parameter is No.
If it is an Airzone's thermostat in the zone and this parameter is activated as "Yes", the zone
communication object "Sleep Mode" appears. It is only available in the zones with Airzone's
thermostat. The default communication objects of the zones are "Zone Error CZ", "Zone
On/Off", "Set Temperature" and "Local Temperature".
The zone communication object "Sleep Mode" will be visible only when an Airzone's
thermostat is available in the zone. The communication object "Zone Control" combines
implicitly the reading of three parameters: dew probe, open window, and presence. The zone
communication objects "Heating source configuration" and "Cooling source configuration"
will only be available when the system is "Acuazone" and the parameter "Radiant Elements
Module" is configured as "Connected" in one of its options available.
The following figures show the device configuration parameter window: