10 ENG
Day Mode for bright light therapy
For winter blues
Look out for early signs of winter blues in Sept/Oct
and if you start feeling more tired, anxious or irritable,
start using Halo in Day Mode. As spring comes around,
you can cut back on your bright light sessions. If
symptoms return, simply use Halo again for a few
Acta Psychiatry Scand. 001 Apr: 103():7-7 .
If you're using Halo in Day Mode to help with the
winter blues, bright light in the morning is most
effective so try that first. For some people, early
evening light exposure is beneficial.
I find it difficult to get going in the morning
Switch on Halo in Day Mode as soon as you can. If you
don't have much time in the morning, then you should
aim for a top-up or full session in the afternoon.
I feel sleepy or fall asleep too early
Use Halo in Day Mode in the late afternoon/early
evening. It's best to avoid bright light too close to
bedtime – within about three hours – as you may find
it difficult to get to sleep.