Marzocchi TXC Manual Del Propietário
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Resumen de contenidos para Marzocchi TXC

  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

  • Página 4: It Uso Del Manuale

    La scelta sbagliata o l’uso incorretto ma non facente parte della stessa. della forcella potrebbe causare incidenti con conseguenti lesioni gravi o mortali. MARZOCCHI si riserva il diritto, a sua discrezione, di apportare modifi che ai prodotti, in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso.
  • Página 5 La vita dei prodotti Marzocchi dipende da una serie di Assicurarsi inoltre che la bicicletta sia installata o rimossa fattori, quali lo stile e le condizioni di guida. In generale, dal supporto in posizione perfettamente verticale.
  • Página 6: Istruzioni Sull'uso

    Le forcelle Marzocchi sono tra i sistemi di sospensione più duraturi ed avanzati tecnologicamente sul mercato. Tuttavia • Controllare che le forcelle non presentino perdite o tracce non è...
  • Página 7 Se le forcelle risultano anche solo lievemente pag.2). Contattare il rivenditore Marzocchi o direttamente danneggiate, rivolgersi IMMEDIATAMENTE ad un Centro la Marzocchi in caso di dubbi sulla scelta della forcella di Riparazione Autorizzato Marzocchi per far revisionare corretta. il sistema di sospensione prima di un nuovo utilizzo.
  • Página 8: Use Of The Manual

    The suspension Marzocchi reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to make changes to the product at any time and without prior notice.
  • Página 9 Pressurized water, even from the nozzle of a small garden wear also need immediate replacement. The frequency hose, can pass under seals and enter your Marzocchi forks, of inspection depends on many factors; check with your thereby affecting its operation. Wash your bicycle and...
  • Página 10 Do not ride your bicycle if it does not pass this pre-ride test. correct any condition before you ride. Marzocchi suspension forks are among the most durable and technologically advanced forks on the market today. However, no fork can withstand misuse, abuse or improper use that, over a short period of time, can cause your forks to •...
  • Página 11 Referring to the table called «intended use chart» (Table experienced rider before attempting any jump or drop. 1, page 2), select the fork that is appropriate for your riding style. Please see your Marzocchi retailer, or contact ARNING Marzocchi directly, if you require assistance in selecting the correct fork.
  • Página 12: Fr Emploi Du Present Manuel

    à votre style de conduite. Lisez et respectez les « Instructions pour l’emploi prévu » contenues dans ce 12 12 La société Marzocchi se réserve le droit d’apporter toute modifi cation à ses produits, à tout moment et sans préavis.
  • Página 13 Représentant autorisé Marzocchi un programme d’entretien fourche. Lavez le vélo et la fourche Marzocchi avec de l’eau en fonction de vos exigences. Si votre poids est 82 kg (180 et du savon.
  • Página 14: Instructions Pour L'emploi

    éliminez toute anomalie pour votre style de conduite avant d’utiliser le vélo. Les fourches Marzocchi sont entre les systèmes de suspension les plus fi ables et de pointe du marché. Cependant, aucune suspension ne peut être utilisée de •...
  • Página 15 1 («intended use chart») Le choc contre des obstacles ou un atterrissage de la page 2. Contactez votre revendeur Marzocchi ou incorrect après un saut peut provoquer la rupture de la adressez-vous directement au constructeur Marzocchi en fourche et, par conséquent, la perte de contrôle du vélo...
  • Página 16: Benutzung Des Handbuchs

    Fahrstil wählen und benutzen. Lesen und befolgen Sie Teil von ihr sind. die “Anleitungen zur vorgesehenen Benutzung” in diesem 16 16 Der Hersteller Marzocchi behält sich daher das Recht vor, jederzeit und ohne Ankündigung alle €nderungen an den Produkten vorzunehmen.
  • Página 17 Um die Sicherheit, die Leistungen, die Haltbarkeit und das Funktionieren des Produkts nicht zu gefährden und Nicht vergessen, dass jede der verschiedenen Disziplinen die Garantie nicht ungültig zu machen, keine Marzocchi- wie Downhill, Freeride, Cross-Country, Marathon, Trekking, Komponenten mit Nicht- Originalteilen ersetzen.
  • Página 18 II.I die zum persönlichen fahrstil passende vorabkontrollen bestanden hat. vor benutzung des gabel benutzen fahrrads alle unregelm€ssigkeiten abstellen. Die Federgabeln von Marzocchi gehören zu den langlebigsten und technologisch ausgereiftesten Federungssystemen auf • Kontrollieren, ob die Gabeln Spuren von Ölverlusten dem Markt. Trotzdem dürfen die Gabeln nicht unsachgemäß...
  • Página 19 Die Gabeln müssen ständig kontrolliert und gewartet Fahrstil entspricht. Wenden Sie sich an den Marzocchi- werden. Je aggressiver der Fahrstil, um so häufi ger Händler oder an Marzocchi selbst, wenn Sie hinsichtlich der müssen Kontrollen und Wartungsarbeiten an der Wahl der richtigen Gabel im Zweifel sind.
  • Página 20: Es Uso Del Manual

    20 20 El constructor Marzocchi se reserva el derecho de modifi car los productos, en cualquier momento y sin preaviso.
  • Página 21 único sistema integrado. Para no comprometer la seguridad, las prestaciones, la vida y el funcionamiento del producto y para no invalidar la garantía, no sustituya nunca los componentes Marzocchi con otros no originales. Los componentes doblados o dañados debido a un...
  • Página 22: Iii Antes De Cada Uso

    II.I Elija la horquilla más adecuada a su preliminares citados en este párrafo. elimine cualquier estilo de pedaleo anomalía antes del uso. Las horquillas Marzocchi son uno de los sistemas de suspensión más durables y tecnológicamente avanzados • Compruebe que la horquilla no presente pérdidas o restos en el mercado.
  • Página 23 « intended use chart » (Tabla 1 de la página 2). Diríjase a su revendedor o directamente al constructor Marzocchi en caso de dudas para la elección ¡A TENCIÓN del sistema de suspensión correcto.
  • Página 24: Da Anvendelse Af Denne Vejledning

    24 24 Firmaet MARZOCCHI forbeholder sig ret til - efter eget skøn - at udføre ændringer på produkterne når som helst, og uden forudgående varsel.
  • Página 25 I dette tilfælde skal du få et anbefales det, at man jævnligt lader cyklen undersøge af autoriseret Marzocchi Service Center til at kontrollere cyklen en specialuddannet mekaniker for at påvise eventuelle før den tages i brug igen.
  • Página 26 Kør ikke på din cykel, hvis den ikke klarer den indledende II.I Vælg den korrekte gaffel til din kørestil test i dette afsnit. ret enhver fejl før du cykler. Marzocchi’s affjedringssystemer er nogle af de mest holdbare og teknologisk avancerede på markedet. Ingen •...
  • Página 27 Jo hårdere du kører, desto oftere skal du kontrollere og vedligeholde gafl erne. Hvis gafl erne er blot en smule beskadiget, skal du STRAKS kontakte et autoriseret Marzocchi-værksted for at få affjedringssystemet undersøgt, før du bruger cyklen igen.
  • Página 28: El Ρηση Του Εγχειριδιου

    οποιουδήποτε άλλου εξαρτήματος που είναι συνδεδεμένο άμεσα ή έμμεσα με το σύστημα ανάρτησης αλλά δεν αποτελεί μέρος αυτού. Η εταιρεία MARZOCCHI επιφυλάσσει το δικαίωμα, κατά την κρίση της, να τροποποιήσει τα προιόντα της, κατά οποιαδήποτε στιγμή και χωρίς καμμιά 28 28 προειδοποίηση.
  • Página 29 σας από τη σχάρα αυτοκινήτου για ποδήλατα (σχάρα άριστη κατάσταση. οροφής ή οπίσθια), βεβαιωθείτε ότι χαλαρώνετε πλήρως Η διάρκεια ζωής των προϊόντων Marzocchi εξαρτάται από τον σύνδεσμο γρήγορης αποσύνδεσης της σχάρας. πολλούς παράγοντες, όπως τον τρόπο οδήγησης και την Επιπλέον, βεβαιωθείτε ότι το ποδήλατό σας ανυψώθηκε ή...
  • Página 30 Marzocchi με ένα πανί εμποτισμένο με νερό και ουδέτερο I.III ΠΡΙΝ ΑΠΟ ΚΑΘΕ ΧΡΗΣΗ σαπούνι. Να φοράτε πάντα και να δένετε καλά το κατάλληλο μέγεθος κράνους ποδηλάτου που είναι εγκεκριμένο από ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! την ANSI, SNELL ή CE και οποιοδήποτε άλλο εξοπλισμό...
  • Página 31: Προβλεπομενη Χρηση

    ΚΑΝΕΤΕ εξάρτημα. 4X/Dirt Jumper (4X/Ποδηλασία με άλματα): Η ποδηλασία Το σύστημα ανάρτησης Marzocchi είναι το πιο ανθεκτικό με άλματα ή “μότοκρος” είναι μόνο για επιδέξιους αναβάτες και το πιο προηγμένο τεχνολογικά ανάμεσα στα υπάρχοντα και περιλαμβάνει το άλμα από το ένα ανάχωμα στο άλλο.
  • Página 32 Παρακαλώ απευθυνθείτε στον κοντινότερο πωλητή της ποδηλάτου σας, πράγμα που μπορεί να προκαλέσει το σοβαρό τραυματισμό ή ακόμα και το θάνατο του εταιρείας Marzocchi, ή ελάτε σε απευθείας επαφή με την αναβάτη. εταιρεία Marzocchi, εάν χρειαστείτε βοήθεια προκειμένου να επιλέξετε το πιο κατάλληλο είδος πιρουνιών για την...
  • Página 33: Nl Gebruik Van De Handleiding

    Beschrijvingen die voorafgegaan worden door dit uw fi ets te beheersen, overschrijd uw grenzen nooit, draag symbool bevatten informatie, instructie of procedures, 33 33 MARZOCCHI heeft het recht om, naar haar eigen oordeel, haar producten ten allen tijde te wijzigen zonder voorafgaande verwittiging.
  • Página 34 Te veel binnendringen en diens werking beïnvloeden. Was je fi ets versleten onderdelen moet ook onmiddellijk vervangen en de Marzocchi vork door ze schoon te vegen met water worden. Het aantal inspectiebeurten is afhankelijk van een en neutrale zeep.
  • Página 35 II.I Kies de voorvork die het beste bij uw “pre-ride test”. correct alle condities voor dat u rijdt. rijstijl past Een Marzocchi voorvork is een van de meest duurzame • Controleer uw vorken op lekken of andere sporen van en geavanceerde vorken op de hedendaagse markt olieverlies, wat duidt op een probleem met uw vork.
  • Página 36 Contacteer uw moet indien nodig gerepareerd worden. Hoe vaker Marzocchi dealer of de fi rma Marzocchi rechtstreeks als u en intensiever u rijdt, des te vaker moet de voorvork problemen heeft met het kiezen van de juiste voorvork.
  • Página 37: Pt Uso Deste Manual

    Não se esqueça de que existem riscos inerentes associados à prática de downhill, freeride, cross-country, marathon, 37 37 A MARZOCCHI reserva-se o direito de realizar modifi cações nos produtos a qualquer momento, sem necessidade de aviso prévio.
  • Página 38 Marzocchi, comprometendo o seu funcionamento. Lavar a Representante Autorizado Marzocchi sobre a periodicidade bicicleta e os garfos Marzocchi com água e sabão neutro. que melhor se adapta às suas exigências. Os ciclistas com Utilize sempre um capacete próprio para bicicleta, com peso corpóreo igual ou superior a 82 kg (180 libras) devem...
  • Página 39: Instruções Para O Uso

    II.I Escolha o garfo mais adequadoo ao seu verifi cações preliminares contidas neste parágrafo. próprio estilo de pedalada corrija qualquer defeito antes de utilizá-la. As suspensões Marzocchi estão entre os garfos mais duradouros e tecnologicamente avançados disponíveis • Verifi car se os garfos não apresentam vazamentos ou actualmente no mercado.
  • Página 40: Pedale Rápido, Mas De Forma Inteligente

    Uma utilização extrema da página 2. Contactar o revendedor Marzocchi ou poderá eventualmente desgastar e quebrar até mesmo as directamente a Marzocchi em caso de dúvidas sobre a peças mais resistentes. escolha do sistema de suspensão correcto.
  • Página 41: Tämän Ohjekirjan Käyttö

    Lue ja noudata tämän ohjekirjan “Tarkoituksenmukaiseen käyttöön liittyvät ohjeet” -kappaleen ohjeita. Vääränlaisen haarukan valitseminen tai oikean haarukan vääränlainen käyttö saattavat johtaa onnettomuuteen, henkilövahinkoihin 41 41 MARZOCCHI pidättää oikeuden tehdä muutoksia tuotteisiinsa oman harkintansa mukaan milloin tahansa ja ilman ennakkoilmoitusta.
  • Página 42 Jopa pienestä puutarhaletkun suuttimesta suihkuava tai taipunut osa, vaihda kyseinen osa välittömästi, oli paineistettu vesi saattaa päästä tiivisteiden alle ja Marzocchi- vaurio miten pieni tahansa; myös osat, joita on kulutettu haarukkaan ja näin vaikuttaa haarukan toimintaan. Pese ylettömästi, tulee vaihtaa välittömästi.
  • Página 43 KÄYTTÖÖN LIITTYVÄT OHJEET UOMIO Älä aja pyörälläsi, ellei se läpäise tätä testiä. korjaa kaikki II.I Valitse omaan ajotyyliisi sopiva haarukka vialliset kohdat ennen kuin lähdet ajamaan pyörälläsi. ja aja oikein MarzocchI-joustohaarukat kuuluvat tarjolla olevien kestävimpiin ja kehittyneimpiin haarukoihin. Mikään •...
  • Página 44 Jos haarukasta vuotaa öljyä, se on taipunut, vääntynyt tai siinä on pieniäkin halkeamia tai rikkoontuneita kohtia, vie se VÄLITTÖMÄSTI valtuutettuun Marzocchi-huoltoon tarkistettavaksi äläkä käytä sitä ennen kuin se on huollettu. UISTA Jopa kaikkein kovimmasta aineesta valmistetut haarukat voivat rikkoontua, jos niihin kohdistuu liian suuri rasitus tai niitä...
  • Página 45: Sv Användning Av Bruksanvisningen

    Använd lämplig säkerhetsutrustning och försäkra dig om att säkerhetsutrustningen är i ett gott skick. 45 45 MARZOCCHI förbehåller sig rätten att när som helst utföra modifi eringar på produkterna utan varsel.
  • Página 46 (även från munstycke från en vanlig trädgårdsslang) kan tecken på att gaffeln har utsatts för slag, spänningar eller tränga in under packningar och i din Marzocchi-gaffel och böjda delar (även om skadorna är ringa), ska komponenten inverka negativt på dess funktion. Tvätta din cykel och omedelbart bytas ut.
  • Página 47: Korrekt Användning

    Använd inte cykeln om den inte har passerat dessa före- II.I Välj rätt gaffel för din åkstil cyklingkontroller. åtgärda eventuella problem innan Marzocchi tillverkar de mest hållbara och tekniskt avancerade cykeln används. gaffl arna på marknaden idag. Trots detta kan ingen gaffel kan missbrukas eller användas på...
  • Página 48 Använd tabellen «intended use chart» (Tabell 1, sid. 2) för att välja den gaffel som passar din åkstil. Vänd dig till din ARNING Marzocchi återförsäljare eller direkt till Marzocchi för frågor Misstag vid passering av hinder på stig eller vid landning angående val av mest lämplig gaffel.
  • Página 50 Summary 5.3.1 SFA ..............68 SFA air ..............68 PAR air ..............69 5.3.2 RC2X ..............69 INTRODUCTION ........51 Rebound adjustment ..........69 Compression adjustment ........70 1.1 Conventions ............51 Compression adjustment on end of the travel ..70 1.1.1 Orientation of the fork ........51 5.3.3 RC2 ..............71 1.1.2 Main parts of the fork.........51...
  • Página 51: Introduction

    INTRODUCTION 1.1 Conventions 1.1.1 Orientation of the fork Picture 1 - Conventional orientation of the fork 1.1.2 Main parts of the fork Brake boss Steer tube Monolite Upper crown Dropout Lower crown Disc brake mount Stanchion tube...
  • Página 52: Technical Information

    X-cartridge on the left leg for the control of the fork’s compression at travel end. Inside MARZOCCHI forks you will fi nd coil springs, or air, used as suspension mechanism. Each rider can adjust the spring preload and the air 2.2 Damping system...
  • Página 53: Lubrication And Cooling

    2.3 Lubrication and cooling Pumping rods are immersed in oil (Open Bath System). This system provides proper lubrication and cooling of the inner sliding parts. Furthermore, the oil volume works as a damping and setting element. The Open Bath system reduces the maintenance frequency compared to a sealed cartridge system.
  • Página 54: Installation

    ARNING On all dual crown MY 2007 MARZOCCHI models, the lower crown is clamped to the stanchions using bolts. In this case, please be aware of the following precautions during installation.
  • Página 55: Installing The Brake System

    Please have your brake system installed disk brake system is correctly connected to the proper only by an authorized Marzocchi Service Center. mounting (see 2B & 2C in Table 2). Improper installation of a disk brake system can...
  • Página 56: Wheel Installation

    3.3 Wheel installation 3.4 Wheel axle securing system The system for securing the wheel axle to the fork sliders Model Max tire dimension can be standard, which uses the traditional advanced CORSA - XC RETRO 2,2” x 26” dropouts, or have a 20 mm diameter through-hole axle or with QR quick release axle (see Table 4 below).
  • Página 57: Wheel Installation On Ø 32 Forks With A 20 Mm Diameter Through-Hole Axle

    3.4.2 Wheel installation on ø 32 forks with a 20 mm diameter through-hole axle ALL MOUNTAIN For optimum fork performance, please follow the instructions below when installing the wheel: • Place the wheel in between each fork. • Align the center of the wheel with each wheel axle clamp (see 3A of Picture 3).
  • Página 58: Wheel Installation On Ø 35 Forks With A 20 Mm Diameter Through-Hole Axle

    3.4.3 Wheel installation on ø 35 forks with a 20 mm diameter through-hole axle For optimum fork performance, please follow the instructions below when installing the wheel: • Place the wheel in between each fork. • Align the center of the wheel with each wheel axle clamp (see 4A of Picture 4).
  • Página 59: Wheel Installation On A Fork With Qr Quick Release Axle

    3.4.4 Wheel installation on a fork with QR quick release axle ALL MOUNTAIN For optimum fork performance, please follow the instructions below when installing the wheel: • Place the wheel in between each fork. • Align the center of the wheel with each wheel axle clamp (see 5A of Picture 5).
  • Página 60: Handlebar Clamp Installing On All Dual Crown Models

    • Secure the lower mounting segment of the handlebar 3.5 Fender installation clamp to the upper crown of the fork by tightening the screws to the required torque (6±1 Nm) using a 4mm Allen ALL MOUNTAIN key (see 7C of Picture 7). •...
  • Página 61: Maintenance

    The operations listed below accompanied by this 4.1 Problems - Diagnosis - Solutions symbol should only be performed by authorized MARZOCCHI service centers. This section describes some of the problems that may arise during the fork’s use, the possible causes of these problems, and suggested solutions.
  • Página 62: Periodic Maintenance

    The operations listed below accompanied by this operations that should be performed and recommends the symbol should only be performed by authorized frequency at which they should be done. MARZOCCHI service centers. General maintenance operation Intense Normal Check that screws are tightened to required torque...
  • Página 63: General Maintenance Recommendations

    • Never use fl ammable or corrosive solvents when cleaning Marzocchi lubricates the dust seals of its forks with grease to the forks, as these could damage the fork’s seals. If you help the stanchion tubes slide easier, particularly when the must use a solvent, use biodegradable detergents that are not corrosive, non-fl...
  • Página 64: Adjustments

    Moreover, there are some adjusters which improve ADJUSTMENTS performance during pedalling and can be activated and deactivated as necessary. Marzocchi Suspension forks have a variety of practicable adjustments by virtue of the adjusters: The table below shows the practicable adjustments and the forks’ hydraulic systems.
  • Página 65: Adjustment Kit And Springs

    Marzocchi service center. desired settings. Please address to an authorized Marzocchi service center if you require a different oil height. However, if you carefully follow the instruction given below, you may fi...
  • Página 66: Initial Suspension Bottoming Adjustment

    5.2 Initial suspension bottoming adjustment The SAG corresponds to the forks sinking due to the rider’s weight. How to measure SAG In order to measure the SAG, you only need to carry out the following steps. • On the leg portion of the fork, measure the distance between the lower crown and the dust seal (see A in Picture 8).
  • Página 67: Spring Preload With Air

    5.2.1 VA 5.2.2 Spring preload with air This system allows adjustment of the spring pre-load and Spring pre-load can be adjusted by varying the air pressure the variation of air volume inside the fork leg. inside the fork’s leg. By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the preload value, by turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the preload value.
  • Página 68: Positive Air

    5.2.3 Positive Air 5.3 Hydraulic systems Positive air is the elastic element in air fork legs and its task 5.3.1 SFA is to support the riders’ weight. Positive air pressure is equal to spring hardness; by increasing the pressure the suspension is less compressed under the riders’...
  • Página 69: Par Air PAR air 5.3.2 RC2X By introducing pressurised air through the valve, it is possible to modify the damping of the forces generated during compression at the end of travel. Available adjusters Positions If the pressure is increased inside the fork leg, increase the Rebound brake knob Right upper cap damping during fi...
  • Página 70: Compression Adjustment

    Sometimes changing the oil height may be necessary to obtain a perfect setting. Adjusting the oil height should be conducted by an authorized Marzocchi service center. Please address to an authorized Marzocchi service center if you require a different oil height.
  • Página 71: Rc2

    Adjusting the oil height should hydraulic damping making the fork more reactive during be conducted by an authorized Marzocchi service center. the rebound phase. Please address to an authorized Marzocchi service center if you require a different oil height.
  • Página 72: Rcv

    By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the be conducted by an authorized Marzocchi service center. hydraulic damping making the fork more reactive during Please address to an authorized Marzocchi service center if the rebound phase. you require a different oil height.
  • Página 73: Rebound Adjustment

    5.3.5 RV 5.3.6 TST5 Available adjusters Positions Available adjusters Positions Rebound brake knob Right wheel axle clamp foot TST5 knob (5 positions CL Right fork leg upper cap - AM + DS) This new system concept allows rebound to be adjusted by Extended brake knob Right wheel axle clamp foot means of an external adjuster located in the lower part of...
  • Página 74: Rebound Adjustment Rebound adjustment Compression adjustment / Suspension blocking Using the expansion adjuster located in the lower part of the The adjuster located in the upper area has fi ve main right fork leg, it is possible to control the fork rebound speed positions: (CL), (+), (AM), (-), and (DS).
  • Página 75: Tst2

    The TST5 system may be supplied with an optional remote 5.3.7 TST2 control, to activate fork blocking. Available adjusters Positions TST2 lever command Right fork leg upper cap (2 positions OPEN/CLOSE) Extended brake knob Right wheel axle clamp foot The TST2 handles fork behaviour in compression and OPEN rebound by virtue of revolutionary system valves.
  • Página 76: Suspension Blocking

    CLOSE OPEN By turning the knob, you can adjust the compression • By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the damping and obtain the best setting according to the type hydraulic damping making the fork slower during the of trai: rebound phase.
  • Página 77: Ata

    5.3.8 ATA rider’s < 65 65-75 75-90 > 90 weight < 145 145-165 165-200 > 200 ATA air Available adjusters Positions pressure Table 14 - ATA air pressure ATA knob Left fork leg upper cap ATA air valve Left upper cap BOTTOM OUT AIR CHAMBER air BOTTOM OUT AIR Left wheel axle clamp foot...
  • Página 78: Ata Adjuster ATA adjuster 5.3.9 ETA By turning the ATA knob it is possible to vary travel and length of the fork in a range of 40mm. Available adjusters Positions ETA lever command Left fork leg upper cap (2 positions OPEN/CLOSE) The ETA cartridge is a system which limits travel with the distinction of working on the rebound rather than the compression as fork locking systems usually work.
  • Página 79: Adjustment System Adjustment system SUMMARIZING TABLES Model Available travels CORSA SL WORLD CUP 80 mm - 100 mm CORSA SL RACE 80 mm - 100 mm XC RETRO SL 700 90 mm -> 130 mm adjustable XC RETRO SL 600 90 mm -> 130 mm adjustable XC RETRO 700 100 mm - 130 mm XC RETRO 600...
  • Página 80 Part to be tightened Tightening torque (Nm) V-brake locking pins 9 ± 1 Fork’s top caps 10 ± 1 Adjuster locking screws 2 ± 0,5 Pumping rod / cartridge foot nuts 10 ± 1 Pumping rod foot screws 10 ± 1 Fender fi...
  • Página 81: Warranty

    WARRANTY ARNING Always install, repair and use your Marzocchi Suspension System in strict compliance with it’s owner’s manual. MARZOCCHI trademark licensed by Marzocchi S.p.A. 7.1a Warranty for EU countries 7.1b Warranty Rest of the World - USA included Marzocchi S.p.a. warrants that its new Suspension Systems...
  • Página 82: Purchaser

    This warranty gives you the specifi c legal rights, and you have also other rights which vary from state to state (USA only). 7.10 Applicable law Any disputes arising out of this agreement or the use of this Marzocchi Suspension System will be governed by the laws of the country of Italy and will be decided by the Courts of Bologna, Italy.