68009268001_DUC_EN.book Page 7 Wednesday, December 30, 2015 2:26 PM
battery. If the battery needs Reconditioning/Calibration, the charger
automatically indicates a STEADY ORANGE. This process may take
up to 12 hours or more to complete, depending upon the state of
charge and capacity rating of the battery when it is inserted. The
Reconditioning/Calibration sequence is as follows: battery is fully
Discharged, then Rapid Charged, followed by Trickle Charge, and
ends with Charge Complete. On the charge indicator, Discharge is
indicated by a STEADY ORANGE light, Rapid Charge is indicated by a
STEADY RED light, Trickle Charge is indicated by a BLINKING
GREEN light, and Charge Complete is indicated by a STEADY
GREEN light.
It is important to note, for this process to be successful, the IMPRES
battery must be allowed to complete the Reconditioning/Recalibration
process. Leave the battery in the charger until the charger indicates a
Disabling Automatic Reconditioning/Calibration Process
The user may disable the automatic Reconditioning/Calibration
function by changing the position of the Reconditioning Switch to the
"OFF" position before inserting the battery into the pocket. An On/Off
switch for each charging pocket is located at the bottom of the charger.
When the Reconditioning Switch is in the "OFF" position and if the
battery needs Reconditioning/Calibration, then the charger indicator
RED indication upon insertion. When Charging is complete, the
charger indicator will show a Blinking ORANGE/GREEN to alert the
user that the Reconditioning /Calibration feature is disabled and that
the battery requires Reconditioning/ Calibration to optimize
performance. It is suggested to enable the Reconditioning/Calibration
feature as soon as possible to allow the charger to Recondition/
Calibrate the battery on the next charging cycle.
Manually Terminating the Reconditioning/Calibration Process
At any time during the discharge portion of the Reconditioning/
Calibration process of a Motorola IMPRES battery (STEADY
ORANGE indication), Reconditioning/Calibration may be terminated by
removing and reinserting the battery back into the charger within 5