Understand and verify the proper application of PLIDCO Sole+Mates. Consult the applicable
pipeline construction code prior to installation for proper selection and application. Sole+Mates
are designed to meet the requirements of US Department of Transportation Title 49 CFR 192.105,
ASME B31.4, and ASME B31.8 in conjunction with ASME PCC-2. Sole+Mates are typically used
for two applications: and non-pressure containing (Type-A) & pressure containing (Type-B).
a) Non-pressure Containing (Type-A)
Type-A sleeves are sleeves are designed for repair by reinforcement only and not internal
pressure containment. They are not capable of containing leaks or internal pressure and
function as a reinforcement for defective areas.
circumferentially to the carrier pipe, and are meant to be tight fitting around the carrier pipe.
They are not meant to be used on leaking pipes.
b) Pressure Containing Type-B
Type B sleeves are capable of containing internal pressure, and have a pressure rating
greater than or equal to the pipe being repaired. They are welded circumferentially to the
carrier pipe. The longitudinal seems of the sleeve must be full-penetration butt welds. The
ends of the sleeve shall be fillet-welded to the carrier pipe. They may be used on leaking
or non-leaking defects including circumferentially oriented defects.
Verify the proper welding procedural requirements per the applicable pipeline construction code
including process, weld size, and non-destructive examination (NDE) level of welds of the prior
to installation. Most welding and construction codes apply a 0.8 joint efficiency factor unless the
longitudinal weld is 100% examined by ultrasonic examination.
Figure 1: Type A Sleeve
Figure 2: Type B sleeves
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Type A Sleeves are not welded
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