Quick Start Guide
Improper use of this product may lead to serious damage of the product, people, animals and objects within its operating range. Read and follow
below safety rules all times.
This product is not toy. It is not suitable for children under 14 years old. Underage should operate this product under adult supervision.
This product contains small parts. Keep them away from children.
If you are not experienced in operating this product, ask for help person who has necessary experience, or acquire necessary training in certified
training facility.
This product is suitable for outdoor and indoor use with limitations to vicinity of airports, power lines or in and over areas where usage is forbidden
by country law or local law.
Before any flight make sure you choose area with no obstacles and maintain a safe distance from people, animals and valuable objects.
High quantity of Wi-Fi networks may shorten flight range and cause considerable lag in controlling the drone.
Unfavorable outdoor conditions (ex.: Wi-Fi networks, power lines) and indoor conditions (ex.: long corridors, walls, magnetic field distortions) have
negative effects on connection between remote and the drone and on drone's functionality.
Products functions may be affected, significantly reduced or irreversibly damaged if used in unfavorable conditions including but not limited to rain,
wind, snow, fog, etc.
KEEP product clean from sand and dust, especially moving parts.
DO NOT block drone's propellers when engines are turned on
DO NOT operate this product during heavy wind.
MAKE SURE to have safe, 3 meters distance from objects, people and animals.
MAKE SURE that remote is powered by the same type of batteries with the same voltage.
MAKE SURE that remote's and drone's batteries are properly inserted into products before each flight.
MAKE SURE to remove batteries after each use product. Drone's rechargeable batteries will keep their parameters longer when kept half charged
when not in use.
MAKE SURE that remote is charged from AA batteries with rated voltage: 1.5V. Usage of AA batteries with lover rated voltage than 1.5V will cause
flight's range reduction.
PREVENT drone's batteries and remote's batteries from full discharge.
PREVENT product's contact with water, moisture, dust, sand, chemicals and extreme temperatures.
PREVENT prodcut direct contact with other objects, people and animals.
PREVENT prodcut's batteries direct contact with sharp objects, water and moisture.
PREVENT from exposing product and its accessories to extreme temperatures.
DO NOT use this product in vicinity of airports, power lines, over areas banned by country law or local law and during strong wind.
KEEP visual contact with product when operating at all times. Product's auto return feature does not use GPS nor GLONASS location, thus auto-
matic return to start (home) location is not guaranteed (except PREDATOR FPV PRO with GPS activated).
-Producer, importer and retailer is not be responsible for any injuries or damage of any sort if user is not abiding rules included in SAFETY NOTES.
-Warranty on all included parts, tools and modules are to be void in case of physical damage (which includes but is not limited to: water damage,
moisture damage, friction damage caused by foreign objects like sand, dust, short or long exposure to extreme temperatures, external voltage
and natural wear off).
-This product is not designed for professional use such as: racing, long term surveillance, high acceleration and high attitude flight and long
distance flight.
Above restrictions can be extended by law of country, law of European Union or any other law that applies to this type of product.
-This product and all of its parts and accessories are not water proof, dust proof and are not resistant to extreme temperatures. These are not
designed to withstand direct or indirect hit with an object whenever product is turned ON of OFF.
-Warranty for product: 24 months, for accessories and batteries: 6 months. Full text of warranty terms is located at