3. Press the button to adjust the seat belt with one hand, and then pull forward seat belts, including
covers, with the other hand in order to loosen.
4. Once the child seat is attached to the car seat, loosen the harness by pulling on the straps while
pressing the harness adjuster button
To place the child in the seat, loosen the belts, releasing the buckle fastening mechanism, pressing
the button intended for this and place the belts on the sides of the seat.
5. Position the child correctly in the seat.
6. Reconnect the harness to the buckle until it clicks into place.
7. Adjust the perfect grip of the seat belt on the child by pulling the seat belt adjustment belt.
8. Make sure that the child is properly secured, that the buckle is not pressing on the child's stomach,
that the harness is tight without causing discomfort and that the shoulder pads are at the right
height for the shoulders. The baby's body should not be placed in an unnatural position.
Groups II and III
Group II: 15 kg-25 kg
GROUP III: 22 kg-36 kg