• Parcel USBC Installation
The USBC is designed to overlap the bed joint guards. The USBC has
a fixed bed joint guard at all bed joints and an adjustable guard at all
The mount in Figure 6A mounts on top of GUA-19 at any component. The
GUA-19 has been modified for the USBC that it can overlap the GUA-19
where necessary.
GUA-19 of all components has holes to match with slots in the Adjustable
Bed Joint Guard. Figure 6B is a mount with 1/4" carriage bolts down from
the top.
The hinges will be able to catch 1 bolt minimum. Fasten at the pivot point
with the customer specific hardware. Mount USBC against the flange of
the Bed Joint Guard (right side of Figure 6E) or overlap the Bed Joint
Guard (left side of Figure 6E). The USBC will not be less than 2" from the
edge of the bed joint, and allowing the USBC to hinge 90° and miss the
support cross members.
Ensure no gaps exceed 3/16" to meet customer specifications. Figure
6F shows a component with a GUA-19 attaching to a 8'0" (96") bed. The
Adjustable Bed Joint Guard has excess adjustment in the situation the
USBC is needed to be shifted in either direction.
Each bed length has a predetermined USBC length. The chart below
identifies the required USBC for each bed length.
Always bolt the hinges angles to the bottom of the bed. If bolted on
another component it will introduce a gap in the system.
• Conveyor Start-Up
Before conveyor is turned on, check for foreign objects that may have been left
inside conveyor during installation. These objects could cause serious damage
during start-up. After conveyor has been turned on and is operating, check
motors, reducers, and moving parts to make sure they are working freely.
CAUTION! Because of the many moving parts on the conveyor, all
personnel in the area of the conveyor need to be warned that the
conveyor is about to be started.