1.1 Readings with Integral
Electrode Pins
Remove the cap to expose the needle
electrodes and switch the instrument
ON by pressing
. Select the appro-
priate wood calibration scale (A,
B,C,E,F,G, H or J) by referring to the
enclosed Protimeter wood calibration
tables and pressing . Push the pins
into the surface of the wood and
observe the reading.
1.2 Readings with Moisture Probe
or Hammer Electrode
Connect the moisture probe or
(optional) Hammer Electrode to the
3.5 mm socket on the right hand side
of the Timbermaster and switch ON
by pressing
. Select the appropri-
ate wood calibration scale (A, B, C,
E, F, G, H or J) by referring to the
enclosed Protimeter wood calibration
tables and pressing
. Drive the
moisture probe pins or hammer elec-
trode needles into the wood and
observe the reading.
2 Using the Protimeter
Timbermaster with the
Temperature Probe
If the timber being measured is sig-
nificantly above or below 20°C (70°F)
then the Timbermaster should be used
in conjunction with the Temperature
Probe. When this probe is connected,
the Timbermaster automatically cor-
rects the measured moisture value
with respect to temperature.
2.1 Automatically Temperature
Corrected (ATC) Readings
Switch the Timbermaster ON and
select the appropriate wood calibra-
tion scale as detailed in sections 1.1
or 1.2. Using either a Hammer Elec-
trode, or a hammer and nail of nomi-
nal 2 mm diameter, make a hole in the
wood to be tested. Remove the Ham-
mer Electrode or nail and push the
Temperature Probe into the hole until
the tip is at the required depth. Con-
nect the Temperature Probe to the
Timbermaster via the 2.5 mm socket.