Goes to the next web page.
Refreshes the page with the latest content from the Internet.
Opens a list where you can select Fast Mode (no images or style sheets)
or Normal Mode (with images and style sheets).
NOTE To quickly jump to the title bar from anywhere on a web page, press Space to go to the Address Bar, and then
press Up on the 5-way.
Creating a bookmark
With bookmarks you can instantly access a web page without entering the address every time.
The web browser can store up to 100 bookmarks or saved pages, allowing you to open your
favorite web pages quickly. Note that a bookmark is different from a favorite (see "Defining
favorite buttons" on page 32).
1. Go to the page you want to bookmark.
2. Press Menu
3. Select Add Bookmark from the Page menu.
4. (Optional) Change the entries in the Name and Description fields.
5. Select OK, and then select OK again.