Power the radio
Insert back up battery prior to main batteries. Back up battery is to back up the preset stations and
also clock. It is necessary to insert back up battery (2 x UM-3 1.5V, not supplied) for memory back
up even if you use AC power only. Without the back up battery, time and preset station will be lost if
the AC power cord is removed from AC outlet or during AC power failure.
Back up battery compartment is located inside the main battery compartment. Insert 2 x AA size
(UM-3) battery and ensure the battery is inserted in accordance with the diagram shown.
Battery operation
To insert the batteries, fi rst release the cover by unlocking the clips. Insert Metabo Li-ion (14.4V
to 18V slide style batteries) battery into the compartment. Ensure the battery is inserted in
accordance with the diagram shown. Close the battery cover and lock up clips back into place. If
the radio is not to be used for any extended period of time, it is recommended that the battery is
removed from the radio. Only Metabo Li-Power Compact, Li-Power Plus and Li-Power Extreme
batteries with 14.4 or 18V are suitable to operate the radio by battery. There is a danger of fi re and
explosion if you try to operate with batteries from other manufacturers.
2. AC operation
Before plugging the mains cord into the AC socket, make sure the voltage is correct. If you have
batteries in the radio and use the AC power cord, the batteries will automatically be disconnected.