Important; Health & Safety Information; Storing Breastmilk - Medela Double Deluxe Instructivo De Uso

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XDouble Deluxe
Double Deluxe
NOTE: For long-term or frequent
pumping; when the baby is not avail-
able to feed at the breast at least part of
the time every day (a premature baby,
for example), use of a full-size electric
Breastpump) is suggested. These
pumps can be rented inexpensively for
home use. For the names of rental sta-
tions or breastfeeding specialists in
your area, call 1-800-TELL YOU
IMPORTANT: When using the
pump, do not overfill or tilt the
Health & Safety
Please read this section before using
any Medela Breastpump.
Cleaning & Sanitizing
Prior to first use and before use
each day, follow these cleaning
instructions at home unless you are
otherwise instructed by your physi-
cian or another medical profession-
al from your hospital.
Disassemble, wash, and rinse all parts
(except motor unit) that come in contact
with the breast or the milk. Boil cylin-
der/piston assembly, including rubber
parts, weekly or when milk spots
• Place parts in a 4-5 quart pan.
• Fill to within 1 inch of rim with
cold water. The use of distilled
water will help to minimize
deposits onto components.
• Cover and boil for 20 minutes.
• Remove from stove. Drain
water off. Allow parts to cool
in open pan.
• Remove all parts and allow to
Use of microwave
sterilization is not
recommended and
may damage some
After each use:
Disassemble and wash all parts that
come in contact with the breast and
milk in soapy water or wash in top-rack
of dishwasher. The motor unit may be
wiped with a damp cloth.
Rinse in clear water.
Air-dry on clean towel and cover parts
when not in use. The tubing should be
hung to air-dry. For faster drying, attach
tubing to the pump and run for 1-2
minutes or until dry, or pour a small
amount of isopropyl alcohol through the
tubing to dry. Carefully swinging the
tubing in a circular motion, will also
help to speed drying.
Tubing Care
Inspect tubing after each pumping
session for condensation and/or milk.
If condensation appears in tubing:
To eliminate condensation after you
have completed pumping, continue
running the pump with the tubing(s)
attached for another 1-2 minutes or
until dry.
Wash hands thoroughly before pump-
ing. If your physician recommends,
clean the breast and surrounding area
with a damp cloth. Do not use soap or
alcohol which can dry the skin and
cause cracked nipples.

Storing Breastmilk

Check with your hospital for
specific storage instructions.
When freezing, do not fill containers
more than 3/4 full to allow space for
expansion. Label containers with the
date of pumping.
Double Deluxe
In a refrigerator:
• To inhibit the growth of bacteria,
breastmilk which is not used
immediately should be refrigerat-
ed. Milk can be refrigerated for up
to 5-7 days or, if longer storage is
needed, freeze the milk.
In a refrigerator freezer
• In the freezer compartment inside
a refrigerator, breastmilk can be
stored for approximately six months.
In a separate freezer:
• In a separate -20° C freezer,
breastmilk can be stored for
approximately 12 months.
Thawing frozen breastmilk:
• Thaw frozen breastmilk by holding
the container under warm water.
Milk may be defrosted in the
refrigerator overnight. Gently
shake the container to blend any
fat that has separated.
• Do not thaw frozen breastmilk
in a microwave or in a pan of
boiling water.
• If adding expressed breastmilk
to container of already frozen
breastmilk, make sure to add
a less amount than the already
frozen amount.


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