Corresponds to the requirements of IEC/EN 61010-1 CAT III 1000 V / CAT IV 600 V
1000 V DC voltage, 750 V AC voltage
The overload protection voltage between the input connections Hi and Lo amounts to 600 V.
The overload protection voltage between the input connections V and COM amounts to 1200 V during the voltage test in
and 250 V in other test modes.
Insulation measurement range:
Insulation test voltages:
Insulation source voltage:
Maximum capacitative load of
the insulation.
Storage temperature:
Operating temperature:
Storage altitude:
Operating altitude:
Temperature coefficient:
Relative air humidity:
TV 431
6 C batteries (baby or LR14) operating duration of the test instrument 1000 hours;
performing insulation tests: The device is designed for min. 1000 insulation tests
with new alkali batteries at room temperature. These are standard tests with
1000 V at 1 MΩ with a load cycle of 5 seconds on and 25 seconds off.
0.01 MΩ to 100.0 GΩ.
250, 500, 1000, 2500 V .
+ 20 %, - 0 %.
3.0 mA nominal.
Detection of a live circuit before the insulation test: No test is performed if the
connection voltage amounts to > 20 V before the start of the test.
Functional up to 1 μF.
-40 °C to 60 °C.
0 °C to 40 °C.
12000 m
2000 m 1000 V CAT. III, 3000 m 1000 V II
0,05 × (specified exactness) per °C at temperatures from < 18 °C or > 28 °C.
40 % – 75 % (40 % – 60 %, if the insulation test produces > 1 GΩ)
180 mm (L) × 140 mm (W) × 65 mm (H).
approx. 900 g (without battery)