FAR 2.101(a) or as proceed beyond a WARNING notice “Restricted computer software” as until the indicated conditions are defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987) fully understood and met. or any equivalent agency regulation or TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual/ 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Installazione della flangia ISO-K Installazione della flangia ConFlat Collegamento della pompa primaria Avvio e funzionamento di TwisTorr 305-IC Arresto di TwisTorr 305-IC Arresto di emergenza Manutenzione Vita del rotore Soft Start Pulizia TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 5/302...
Página 6
Vorbereitung zum Einbau Einrichten Montage von TwisTorr 305-IC Anschluss des Hochvakuumflansches Installation des ISO-K-Flansches Installation des ConFlat-Flansches Anschluss der Vorvakuumpumpe Inbetriebnahme und Betrieb vom TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC stoppen Notausschaltung Wartung Rotordauer Sanftanlauf Reinigung 6/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Página 7
Installation de la bride ConFlat Raccordement de la bride à vide préliminaire Démarrage et utilisation du TwisTorr 305-IC Arrêt du TwisTorr 305-IC Arrêt d’urgence Entretien Durée de vie du rotor Démarrage progressif Nettoyage TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 7/302...
Página 8
Conexión de la brida de alto vaciado Instalación de la brida ISO-K Instalación de la brida ConFlat Conexión de la bomba pre-vaciado Puesta en marcha y funcionamiento de TwisTorr 305-IC Parada de la TwisTorr 305-IC Parada de emergencia Mantenimiento Vida del rotor...
Página 11
TwisTorr 305-IC Mounting Connection of the High Vacuum Flange Installation of ISO-K Flange Installation of ConFlat Flange Connection of the Fore-Vacuum Pump Startup and Operation of the TwisTorr 305-IC Stopping the TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 11/302...
Página 12
Pump Used with Corrosive and Oxidizing Gases Purge Valve Installation Pump Used in Presence of Magnetic Fields Vibration Isolator Installation Controller Operations Interconnections 1 - Vent 2 - External Fan 3 - IN/OUT and Power Supply Signal Description 12/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Página 13
How to Connect the Open Collector Inputs of the Controller How to Connect the Controller Outputs RS485/RS232 communication description Windows Protocol Window Description NFC Function Screenshot APP Connection through USB plug Error messages Warning messages Accessories and Spare Parts TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 13/302...
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Contents Page intentionally left blank 14/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Installazione della flangia ConFlat Collegamento della pompa primaria Avvio e funzionamento di TwisTorr 305-IC Arresto di TwisTorr 305-IC Arresto di emergenza Manutenzione Vita del rotore Soft Start Pulizia Smaltimento Servizio Post Vendita TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 15/302...
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TwisTorr 305-IC Manuale di istruzioni 16/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Informazioni su questo manuale Informazioni su questo manuale Validità Questo manuale elenca le istruzioni per gli utenti di TwisTorr 305-IC, con particolare riferimento alle nozioni relative a sicurezza, funzionamento e manutenzione di primo livello, limitatamente alle operazioni di manutenzione di cui l’utente è...
I messaggi di attenzione sono visualizzati prima di procedure che, se non ATTENZIONE! osservate, potrebbero causare danni all’apparecchiatura. Le note contengono informazioni importanti e forniscono maggiori dettagli su NOTA passaggi specifici. 18/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Simboli di Avvertenza Di seguito si riporta un elenco di simboli che vengono visualizzati insieme agli avvisi TwisTorr 305-IC. Viene mostrato anche il pericolo che descrivono. Un simbolo triangolare indica un’avvertenza. I significati dei simboli che possono apparire accanto alle avvertenze nella documentazione o sullo strumento stesso...
Página 20
Messa a terra protettiva Non toccare Connettore principale Near Field Communication (antenna dello smartphone) Certificazione CE Certificazione CSA Limitazione della Certificazione delle Sostante Pericolose Certificazione RoHS China Rifiuti di Apparecchiature Elettriche ed Elettroniche 20/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Agilent Technologies declina ogni responsabilità per danni alla macchina o per la sicurezza fisica dell'operatore o di terzi derivanti dal mancato rispetto delle norme di sicurezza indicate nella documentazione tecnica.
Istruzioni per l’uso Uso improprio Uso improprio Agilent Technologies declina ogni responsabilità derivante dall’uso improprio di TwisTorr 305-IC. L’uso improprio comporterà la perdita di tutti i reclami per responsabilità e garanzie. L’uso improprio è definito come: installazione della pompa con materiale di montaggio non specificato ▪...
➔ Qualsiasi attrezzatura più pesante di 20 kg deve essere trasportata utilizzando un dispositivo di sollevamento adatto. ➔ Indossare scarpe antinfortunistiche con puntale in acciaio secondo la direttiva EN 347. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 23/302...
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➔ Prima di riparare la pompa o prima di qualsiasi azione di montaggio/smontaggio della pompa del sistema, attendere l’arresto completo della pompa. ➔ Non operare direttamente all’interno della pompa. ➔ Se necessario, indossare guanti protettivi secondo la EN 420. 24/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
AVVERTENZA! Per evitare danni alle apparecchiature e per prevenire lesioni al personale operativo, è necessario seguire scrupolosamente le istruzioni di installazione fornite nel presente manuale! TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 25/302...
60 giorni. Se per qualsiasi motivo viene superata la scadenza della conservazione, la ATTENZIONE! pompa deve essere restituita alla fabbrica. Per informazioni, contattare il rappresentante Agilent Vacuum locale e il servizio di assistenza. 26/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Questa attrezzaura è destinata all’uso professionale e deve essere utilizzata da professionisti. TwisTorr 305-IC è una pompa turbomolecolare per applicazioni da ultra alto vuoto che è in grado di pompare qualsiasi tipo di gas o composto di gas non corrosivo e ossidante.
Installazione Installazione Preparazione per l’installazione TwisTorr 305-IC viene fornito in un imballo protettivo speciale; se si presentano segni di danni, che potrebbero essersi verificati durante il trasporto, contattare l'ufficio vendite locale. Evitare impatti improvvisi sul 305-IC che potrebbero essere causati dalla sua caduta.
Página 29
Istruzioni per l’uso Installazione Figura 1 Imballo del TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 29/302...
Non rimuovere l’adesivo e il cappuccio protettivo fino a quando non si è pronti ATTENZIONE! per installare la turbopompa sul sistema. Figura 2 30/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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2 bar sopra la pressione atmosferica ▪ temperatura: da +5 °C a +35 °C ▪ umidità relativa: 0 – 90 % (senza condensa). ▪ TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 31/302...
TwisTorr 305-IC può essere installato in qualsiasi posizione. Fissare TwisTorr 305-IC in una posizione stabile, montando la flangia di ingresso della turbopompa sulla controflangia del sistema, con una connessione in grado di resistere a una coppia di 1000 Nm attorno al proprio asse.
La combinazione di diversi tipi di flangia non è consentita. Agilent non si assume alcuna responsabilità per tutti I danni derivanti da un fissaggio improprio. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 33/302...
Figura 3 Utilizzare il numero richiesto di morsetti artiglio: 4 per la flangia ISO 100 ▪ 4 per la flangia ISO 160 ▪ Stringere le fascette con una coppia di 22 Nm. 34/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
In alcuni casi, i collegamenti possono essere effettuati solo con il bullone nella parte inferiore. Prestare attenzione quando si serrano dadi e bulloni per evitare di creare ATTENZIONE! ammaccature nella busta. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 35/302...
Collegamento della pompa primaria La connessione forzata deve essere effettuata utilizzando la flangia KF 16 NW fornita su TwisTorr 305-IC. Il collegamento alla pompa principale può essere effettuato mediante una pompa o un tubo classificati come vuoto. Se viene utilizzato un tubo rigido, qualsiasi vibrazione generata dalla pompa meccanica deve essere attenuata attraverso l'uso del soffietto.
Avvio e funzionamento di TwisTorr 305-IC Avvio e funzionamento di TwisTorr 305-IC Per accendere TwisTorr 305-IC tramite I controller di bordo, fornire alla pompa la tensione di alimentazione corretta e agire sui segnali “START” e “INTERLOCK”. Una volta riconosciuti questi segnali, il controller avvia la pompa.
Página 38
305-IC ON, velocità target raggiunta, stato: ON, Luce fissa NORMAL OP. On, lampeggiante 305-IC ON, ridurezione velocità, stato: BRAKING Giallo Nessun avviso Avviso ON, Luce fissa Rosso Nessun malfunzionamento Malfunzionamento ON, Luce fissa 38/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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AVVERTENZA! L'avvio iniziale della pompa sarà in modalità "SOFT START"; per informazioni dettagliate su questa modalità consultare la sezione dedicata a pagina 42. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 39/302...
Questa modalità deve essere utilizzata solo in caso di emergenza. L’uso di questa modalità di arresto potrebbe causare guasti e/o danni alla pompa. L’uso improprio di questa modalità di arresto potrebbe invalidare la garanzia. 40/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Come misura precauzionale, considerando l’utilizzo tipico della pompa e tenendo conto dei limiti di sicurezza, Agilent consiglia di restituire la pompa dopo 17 anni di utilizzo per la manutenzione. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 41/302...
WIN100. WIN 100 non ha alcun effetto sul soft start automatico al primo avvio e dopo 60 giorni dall'ultimo momento in FULL SPEED. Vedi la sezione "Protocollo di Windows". Pulizia La superficie esterna del 305-IC può essere pulita solo con un detergente delicato. 42/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Capogruppo o un rivenditore, per avviare il processo di raccolta e smaltimento dopo aver verificato i termini e le condizioni di vendita contrattuali. Per maggiori informazioni consultare: http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 43/302...
È necessario completare il modulo di richiesta di restituzione per restituire la pompa ad Agilent per l'assistenza (fornito alla fine di questo manuale). 44/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Montage von TwisTorr 305-IC Anschluss des Hochvakuumflansches Installation des ISO-K-Flansches Installation des ConFlat-Flansches Anschluss der Vorvakuumpumpe Inbetriebnahme und Betrieb vom TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC stoppen Notausschaltung Wartung Rotordauer Sanftanlauf Reinigung Entsorgung Service TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 45/302...
Über dieses Handbuch Gültigkeit In diesem Handbuch werden die Anweisungen für die Benutzer des TwisTorr 305-IC aufgeführt, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Begriffe zu Sicherheit, Betrieb und Wartung auf der ersten Ebene, der auf die vom Benutzer zu verantwortenden Wartungsarbeiten beschränkt sind.
Die Vorsichtshinweise vor bestimmten Prozeduren machen den Bediener darauf VORSICHT! aufmerksam, daß bei Nichteinhaltung Schäden an der Anlage entstehen können. Hinweise sollen auf wichtige Informationen aufmerksam machen und nähere HINWEIS Informationen zu bestimmten Schritten enthalten. 48/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Warnsymbole Das Folgende ist eine Liste von Symbolen, die in Verbindung mit den Warnungen auf dem TwisTorr 305-IC angezeigt werden. Die von ihnen beschriebene Gefahr wird ebenfalls angezeigt. Ein dreieckiges Symbol weist auf eine Warnung hin. Die Bedeutung der Symbole, die neben Warnhinweisen in der Dokumentation oder auf dem Gerät selbst...
Página 50
Netz einschalten Wenn rot, bedeutet dies eine Fehlfunktion Wenn gelb, bedeutet dies eine Warnung USB-Anschluss Schutzerdungsklemme Nicht berühren Verbindungsstück Nahfeldkommunikation (Antenne des Smartphones) CE-Zertifizierung CSA-Zertifizierung Beschränkung gefährlicher Stoffe RoHS-Chinazertifizierung Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräte 50/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Sicherheitsbedingungen ineffizient machen und Unfälle bei den Bedienern der Maschine verursachen. Agilent Technologies lehnt jede Verantwortung für Schäden an der Maschine oder für die physische Sicherheit des Bedieners oder Dritter ab, die sich aus der Nichtbeachtung der in den technischen Unterlagen angegebenen Sicherheitsregeln ergeben.
Gebrauchsanleitung Unsachgemäße Verwendung Unsachgemäße Verwendung Agilent Technologies lehnt jede Verantwortung ab, die sich aus der unsachgemäßen Benutzung vom TwisTorr 305-IC ergibt. Bei unsachgemäßer Verwendung verfallen alle Haftungs- und Gewährleistungsansprüche. Unsachgemäße Verwendung ist definiert als: Installation der Pumpe mit nicht spezifiziertem Befestigungsmaterial ▪...
➔ Tragen Sie kleine und mittlere Vakuumpumpen mit zwei Händen. ➔ Alle Geräte, die schwerer als 20 kg sind, sollten mit einer geeigneten Hebevorrichtung transportiert werden. ➔ Sicherheitsschuhe mit Stahlkappe gemäß Richtlinie EN 347 tragen. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 53/302...
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➔ Warten Sie vor der Wartung der Pumpe oder vor dem Ein- und Ausbau der Pumpe vom System bis zum vollständigen Stillstand der Pumpe. ➔ Nicht direkt im Hochvakuumflansch betreiben. ➔ Gegebenenfalls Schutzhandschuhe nach EN 420 tragen. 54/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Bei einer Funktionsstörung eines mechanischen Teils der Pumpe kann die Rotationsenergie an alle Stellen abgegeben werden, an denen die Pumpe befestigt ist. WARNUNG! Um Geräteschäden und Verletzungen des Bedienpersonals zu vermeiden, sind die in diesem Handbuch enthaltenen Installationsanweisungen unbedingt zu beachten! TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 55/302...
Wenn aus irgendeinem Grund die Haltbarkeitsdauer überschritten wird, muss die VORSICHT! Pumpe an das Werk zurückgeschickt werden. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den lokalen Agilent Vacuum Vertriebs- und Servicevertreter, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. 56/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Produktbeschreibung Dieses Gerät ist für den professionellen Gebrauch und für den professionellen Gebrauch bestimmt. TwisTorr 305-IC ist eine Turbomolekularpumpe für Hoch- und Ultrahochvakuumanwendungen, die alle Arten von nicht korrosiven und oxidierenden Gasen oder Gasverbindungen fördern kann. Die Pumpwirkung wird durch eine Hochgeschwindigkeitsturbine (max.
Installation Installation Vorbereitung zum Einbau TwisTorr 305-IC wird in einer speziellen Schutzverpackung geliefert. Wenden Sie sich an Ihr lokales Verkaufsbüro, wenn dies Anzeichen von Schäden zeigt, die während des Transports aufgetreten sein können. Vermeiden Sie plötzliche Stöße auf den 305-IC, die durch Herunterfallen verursacht werden können.
Anschluss sowie am DB15-Anschluss geliefert. Entfernen Sie diese Schutzkappen nur, wenn Sie die Pumpe an den Controller anschließen. Entfernen Sie den Klebstoff und die Schutzkappe erst, wenn Sie bereit sind, die VORSICHT! Turbopumpe am System zu installieren. Abbildung 2 60/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Página 61
Während des Betriebs müssen folgende Umgebungsbedingungen eingehalten werden, um Kondensation zu vermeiden: Maximaler Umgebungsdruck: 2 bar über dem atmosphärischen Druck ▪ Temperatur: von +5 °C bis +35 °C ▪ Relative Feuchtigkeit: 0-90% (nicht kondensierend). ▪ TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 61/302...
Pumpe bei einem Rotorausfall vom System löst, was zu Sachschäden oder schweren oder tödlichen Verletzungen führen kann. TwisTorr 305-IC kann in jeder Position installiert werden. Befestigen Sie den TwisTorr 305-IC in einer stabilen Position und montieren Sie den Einlassflansch der Turbopumpe am Gegenflansch des Systems, wobei die Verbindung ein Drehmoment von 1000 Nm um deren Achse aushalten kann.
Agilent empfohlenen Flanschen abweichen, besteht die Möglichkeit, dass sich der 305-IC dreht oder abreißt, falls der Rotor plötzlich stoppt. Die Kombination verschiedener Flanschtypen ist nicht zulässig. Agilent übernimmt keine Haftung für alle Schäden, die durch unsachgemäße Befestigung entstehen. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 63/302...
Abbildung 3 Verwenden Sie die erforderliche Anzahl von Klauenklemmen: 4 für ISO 100 Flansch ▪ 4 für ISO 160 Flansch ▪ Ziehen Sie die Klauenklemmen mit einem Drehmoment von 22 Nm an. 64/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
In einigen Fällen können die Verbindungen nur mit dem Bolzen in der unteren Seite hergestellt werden. Gehen Sie beim Anziehen der Schrauben und Muttern vorsichtig vor, um Beulen VORSICHT! am Gehäuse zu vermeiden. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 65/302...
Anschluss der Vorvakuumpumpe Der Vorleitungsanschluss sollte mit dem KF 16 NW-Flansch erfolgen, der auf dem TwisTorr 305-IC bereitgestellt wird. Die Verbindung zur Vorpumpe kann über einen Vakuumschlauch oder ein Vakuumrohr hergestellt werden. Wenn ein starres Rohr verwendet wird, müssen Vibrationen, die von der mechanischen Pumpe erzeugt werden, mit einem Faltenbalg gedämpft werden.
Controllers geeignet und voll kompatibel mit dem DB15-Stecker, der an der Steuereinheit montiert ist. Nach ordnungsgemäßer Verdrahtung kann der TwisTorr 305-IC sowohl an die Versorgungsquelle als auch an die Zubehörteile (Lüfter, Entlüftungsventile) und auch an die serielle Schnittstelle angeschlossen werden.
Página 68
Status: STARTEN (RAMP)/AUTO TUNING Ein, Dauerhaftes 305-IC ON, Zielgeschwindigkeit erreicht, Status: Licht NORMAL OP. 305-IC ON, Geschwindigkeitsreduzierung, Status: Ein, blinkend BREMSEN Gelb Keine Warnung Warnung Ein, Dauerhaftes Licht keine Funktionsstörung Störung Ein, Dauerhaftes Licht 68/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Página 69
305 IC ausführen; um das Warnsignal richtig zurücksetzen, muss der Benutzer das Gerät ausschalten. WARNUNG! Der erste Start der Pumpe erfolgt im „Sanftanlauf“ - Modus. Ausführliche Informationen zu diesem Modus finden Sie im entsprechenden Abschnitt auf Seite 72. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 69/302...
Diese Betriebsart ist nur im Notfall zu verwenden. Die Verwendung dieses Stoppmodus kann zu Fehlern und/oder Schäden an der Pumpe führen. Die unsachgemäße Verwendung dieses Stoppmodus kann zum Erlöschen der Garantie führen. 70/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Stopp zu voller Geschwindigkeit und zurück zu Stopp. Aus Sicherheitsgründen empfiehlt Agilent, die Pumpe unter Berücksichtigung der typischen Verwendung der Pumpe und unter Berücksichtigung der Sicherheitsgrenzen nach 17 Jahren zur Wartung zurückzugeben. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 71/302...
WIN 100 hat beim ersten Start und danach keine Auswirkung auf den automatischen Sanftanlauf und nach 60 Tagen ab dem letzten Moment in VOLLGESCHWINDIGKEIT. Siehe Abschnitt „Windows-Protokoll“. Reinigung Die Außenfläche des 305-IC darf nur mit einem milden Reinigungsmittel gereinigt werden. 72/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Abfallsammelsystem zugeführt werden muss. Der Endabnehmer sollte daher den Lieferanten des Geräts - d.h. Die Muttergesellschaft oder den Wiederverkäufer - kontaktieren, um den Entsorgungsprozess zu starten, nachdem er die Verkaufsbedingungen geprüft hat. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 73/302...
Sie sich bitte an den örtlichen Händler oder direkt and die Email-Adresse [email protected][email protected] Das Ausfüllen des Rücksendeformulars ist erforderlich, um die Pumpe zur Wartung an Agilent zurückzusenden (am Ende dieses Handbuchs angegeben). 74/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Raccordement de la bride à vide préliminaire Démarrage et utilisation du TwisTorr 305-IC Arrêt du TwisTorr 305-IC Arrêt d’urgence Entretien Durée de vie du rotor Démarrage progressif Nettoyage Mise au rebut Service TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 75/302...
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TwisTorr 305-IC Notice de mode d’emploi 76/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
1. Le présent contient des informations utiles pour que tout le personnel NOTE utilisant le TwisTorr 305-IC puisse l’exploiter en toute sécurité et garantir une efficacité parfaite, pendant toute sa durée de vie. 2. Conserver le présent manuel, ainsi que toutes les publications connexes, dans un endroit accessible et connu de tous les opérateurs/du personnel...
Des messages de mise en garde s’affichent avant les procédures qui, si elles ne ATTENTION ! sont pas respectées, pourraient endommager l’équipement. Les notes visent à attirer l’attention sur des renseignements importants et à NOTE fournir plus de détails sur des étapes précises. 78/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Symboles d’avertissement Symboles d’avertissement Voici une liste de symboles qui apparaissent en conjonction avec les avertissements sur le TwisTorr 305-IC. Le danger qu’ils décrivent est également illustré. Le symbole triangulaire indique un avertissement. Les significations des symboles qui peuvent apparaître à côté des avertissements dans la documentation ou sur l’appareil lui-même sont les suivantes :...
Página 80
Borne de mise à la terre de protection Ne pas toucher Connecteur principal Communication en champ proche (antenne de smartphone) Certification CE Certification CSA Restriction de la certification des substances dangereuses Certification RoHS Chine Déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques 80/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
à ceux qui utilisent la machine. Agilent Technologies décline toute responsabilité pour les dommages causés à la machine ou pour la sécurité physique de l’opérateur ou des tiers résultant du non-respect des règles de sécurité...
Mode d’emploi Utilisation appropriée Utilisation inappropriée Agilent Technologies décline toute responsabilité en raison de l’utilisation inappropriée du TwisTorr 305-IC. Une utilisation inappropriée entraînera l’annulation de toutes les créances et garanties. Une utilisation inappropriée est définie comme suit : installation de la pompe avec un matériau de montage non spécifié ;...
➔ Tout équipement de plus de 20 kg doit être transporté à l’aide d’un dispositif de levage approprié. ➔ Porter des chaussures de sécurité avec embout en acier conformément à la directive EN 347. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 83/302...
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➔ Ne pas exploiter directement à l’intérieur de la bride à vide élevé. ➔ Si cela est nécessaire, porter des gants de protection conformément à la norme EN 420. 84/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
être libérée sur la pompe à laquelle elle est fixée. AVERTISSEMENT !! Pour éviter d’endommager l’équipement et de blesser le personnel exploitant, les instructions d’installation fournies dans le présent manuel doivent être rigoureusement respectées ! TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 85/302...
Si, pour une raison quelconque, la durée de conservation est dépassée, la pompe ATTENTION ! doit être retournée à l’usine. Contacter le représentant local Agilent Vacuum Sales and Service pour plus d’informations. 86/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Cet équipement est destiné à un usage professionnel et doit être utilisé par des professionnels. Le TwisTorr 305-IC est une pompe turbomoléculaire pour les applications à vide élevé et ultra-élevé capable de pomper tout type de composé gazeux ou gazeux non corrosif et oxydant.
Installation Installation Préparation pour l’installation Le TwisTorr 305-IC est fourni dans un emballage de protection spécial. Si l'on constate des marques de dommages pouvant s'être produits pendant le transport, contacter aussitôt le bureau de vente local. Éviter les impacts soudains sur le 305-IC qui seraient causés par la chute.
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Mode d’emploi Installation Figure 1 Emballage du TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 89/302...
Ne pas retirer l’adhésif et le capuchon de protection avant d’être prêt à installer ATTENTION ! la turbopompe sur le système. Figure 2 90/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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: pression ambiante maximale : 2 bars au-dessus de la pression ▪ atmosphérique température : de +5 °C à +35 °C ▪ humidité relative : 0 à 90 % (sans condensation). ▪ TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 91/302...
Le TwisTorr 305-IC peut être installé dans n’importe quelle position. Fixer le TwisTorr 305-IC dans une position stable, en montant la bride d’entrée de la turbopompe sur la contre-bride du système, avec un raccord capable de résister à...
Agilent, le 305-IC risque de se tordre ou de se déchirer en cas d’arrêt soudain du rotor. La combinaison de différents types de brides n’est pas autorisée. Agilent n’acceptera aucune responsabilité pour tous les dommages résultant d’une mauvaise fixation. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 93/302...
Utiliser le nombre requis de brides de serrage : 4 pour la bride ISO 100 ▪ 4 pour la bride ISO 160 ▪ Serrer les brides de serrage à un couple de 22 Nm. 94/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Dans certains cas, les raccordements peuvent être faits seulement avec le boulon dans le côté inférieur. Faire preuve de prudence lors du serrage des écrous et des boulons pour éviter ATTENTION ! de créer des bosselures dans l’enveloppe. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 95/302...
Le raccordement avant doit être effectué à l’aide de la bride KF 16 NW fournie sur le TwisTorr 305-IC. Le raccordement à la pompe de première ligne peut être fait par un tuyau ou conduit de vide. Si un tuyau rigide est utilisé, toute vibration générée par la pompe mécanique doit être amortie par l’utilisation de soufflets.
à la section « Comment connecter les entrées du collecteur ouvert du contrôleur » du présent mode d’emploi. (4) Le TwisTorr 305-IC est fourni avec un connecteur d’accouplement DB15, non précâblé. Ce connecteur d’accouplement DB15 est adapté pour résister au niveau de courant nécessaire pour alimenter le contrôleur et il est...
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AVERTISSEMENT ! Le démarrage initial de la pompe sera en mode « Démarrage progressif » ; pour plus d’informations sur ce mode, reportez-vous à la section dédiée à la page 102. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 99/302...
Ce mode ne doit être utilisé qu’en cas d’urgence. L’utilisation de ce mode d’arrêt peut entraîner des défauts et/ou des dommages à la pompe. Une utilisation inappropriée de ce mode d’arrêt pourrait annuler la garantie. 100/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
à l’arrêt. Par mesure de précaution, compte tenu de l’utilisation typique de la pompe et des limites de sécurité, Agilent recommande de la remettre en service après 17 ans d’utilisation pour l’entretien. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 101/302...
60 jours suivant le dernier moment en PLEINE VITESSE. Voir la section « Protocole Windows ». Nettoyage La surface extérieure du 305-IC ne peut être nettoyée qu’avec un détergent doux. 102/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
œuvre le processus de collecte et mise au rebut. Pour en savoir plus, consulter : http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 103/302...
à : [email protected][email protected] Vous devez remplir le formulaire de demande de retour pour retourner votre pompe à Agilent pour l’entretien (fourni à la fin du présent manuel) 104/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Conexión de la brida de alto vaciado Instalación de la brida ISO-K Instalación de la brida ConFlat Conexión de la bomba pre-vaciado Puesta en marcha y funcionamiento de TwisTorr 305-IC Parada de la TwisTorr 305-IC Parada de emergencia Mantenimiento Vida del rotor...
Validez El presente manual contiene las instrucciones para los usuarios de la TwisTorr 305-IC con particular referencia a las nociones relativas a la seguridad, funcionamiento y mantenimiento de primer nivel, limitadas a las operaciones de mantenimiento de las que es responsable el usuario.
¡PRECAUCIÓN! no se observasen, podrían causar daños graves al equipo. Las notas tienen el fin de atraer la atención a la información importante y NOTA proporcionar más detalles acerca de pasos específicos. 108/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Símbolos de advertencia La siguiente lista contiene símbolos que aparecen en conjunción con las advertencias de la TwisTorr 305-IC. El peligro que describen también se muestra. Un símbolo triangular indica una advertencia. Los significados de los símbolos que pueden aparecer junto a las advertencias en la documentación o el instrumento mismo son los siguientes: Declaración Europea...
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Terminal protectora de tierra No tocar Conector principal Near Field Communication (antena de smartphone) Certificación CE Certificación CSA Certificación de Restricción de Sustancias Peligrosas Certificación China RoHS Equipo de Desecho Eléctrico y Electrónico 110/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Agilent Technologies niega cualquier responsabilidad por daños a la máquina o la seguridad física del operario o terceras partes derivados del incumplimiento de las reglas de seguridad indicadas en la documentación técnica.
Instrucciones de Uso Uso correcto Uso incorrecto Agilent Technologies niega cualquier responsabilidad derivada del uso incorrecto de la TwisTorr 305-IC. El uso incorrecto anulará todas las reclamaciones por responsabilidad y garantías. El uso incorrecto se define como: instalación de la bomba con el material de montaje incorrecto ▪...
➔ Cualquier equipo de peso mayor a 20 kg deberá ser transportado utilizando un dispositivo de elevación. ➔ Lleve calzado de seguridad con punta de acero según la directiva EN 347. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 113/302...
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➔ No opere directamente dentro de la brida de alto vaciado. ➔ Si es necesario lleve guantes de protección según EN 420. 114/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
¡ADVERTENCIA! Para evitar daños al equipo y evitar lesiones al personal operativo se deben seguir estrictamente las instrucciones indicadas en el presente manual. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 115/302...
Si, por cualquier motivo, la vida útil es excedida, la bomba deberá ser devuelta a ¡PRECAUCIÓN! la fábrica. Por favor, contacte con el representante local de Ventas y Servicios de Vacío de Agilent para más información. 116/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Este equipo está destinado a uso profesional y deberá ser utilizado por profesionales. La TwisTorr 305-IC es una bomba turbomolecular para aplicaciones de vacío ultra alto que puede bombear cualquier tipo de gas o compuesto de gas no corrosivo y oxidante.
Instalación Instalación Preparación para instalación La TwisTorr 305-IC se proporciona con un embalaje protector especial. Si esta muestra signos de daños que puedan haber ocurrido durante el transporte, contacte con su oficina de ventas local. Evite impactos repentinos a la 305-IC que podrían ser causados al dejarla caer.
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Instrucciones de Uso Instalación Figura 1 Embalaje de la TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 119/302...
USB y en la conexión DB15. Extraiga estas tapas protectoras solo cuando conecte la bomba al controlador. No extraiga la tapa adhesiva y protectora hasta que esté preparado para ¡PRECAUCIÓN! instalar la turbobomba en el sistema. Figura 2 120/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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2 bar por encima de presión atmosférica ▪ temperatura: de +5 °C a +35 °C ▪ humedad relativa: 0 – 90 % (no condensante). ▪ TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 121/302...
La TwisTorr 305-IC puede ser instalada en cualquier posición. Fije la TwisTorr 305-IC en una posición estable, montando la brida de entrada de la turbobomba en el sistema de la contrabrida, con una conexión capaz de soportar una torsión...
Agilent, es posible que la 305-IC se tuerza o se rompa si el rotor se detiene de repente. La combinación de diferentes tipos de bridas no está permitida. Agilent no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por daños resultantes de una sujeción incorrecta. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 123/302...
Figura 3 Utilice el número de pinzas de garra requerido: 4 para brida ISO 100 ▪ 4 para brida ISO 160 ▪ Apriete las pinzas de garra con una torsión de 22 Nm. 124/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
En algunos casos, las conexiones solo pueden hacerse con el tornillo en la cara inferior. Tenga cuidado cuando apriete las tuercas y tornillos para evitar abollar la ¡PRECAUCIÓN! envoltura. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 125/302...
La TwisTorr 305-IC está caracterizada por su tasa de compresión alta y por sus NOTA vapores de aceite. Cuando utilice una bomba mecánica sellada con aceite, es aconsejable instalar un colector adecuado entre la turbobomba y la bomba de prevacío para evitar que se salga el aceite o el particulado de las bombas secas.
DB15 que está montado en la unidad de control. Puede ser utilizado, después de cablearse adecuadamente, tanto para conectar la TwisTorr 305-IC a la fuente de alimentación y a las partes de los accesorios (ventilador, válvulas de descarga) y el puerto serial comm.
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Instrucciones de Uso Puesta en marcha y funcionamiento de TwisTorr 305-IC ¡ADVERTENCIA! El estado de la bomba será mostrado por las 3 LEDs en el controlador. SÍMBOLO ESTADO LED TON/TOFF SIGNIFICADO Verde Apagado Apagado Encendido, 305-IC OFF, estado: STOP/WAITING parpadeando...
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Instrucciones de Uso Puesta en marcha y funcionamiento de TwisTorr 305-IC NOTA (1) En caso de detectarse avería (LED roja, azul continuo ON), la bomba no puede girar cuando recibe el comando de inicio. El usuario puede resolver problemas por motivo de la avería al comprobar los mensajes de error mediante la comunicación...
Este modo debe ser utilizada solo en caso de emergencia. El uso de este modo de parada podría llevar a fallos y/o daños en la bomba. El uso indebido de este modo de parada podría anular la garantía. 130/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Como medida de precaución, considerando el uso típico de la bomba y teniendo en cuenta los límites de seguridad, Agilent recomienda devolver la bomba después de 17 años de uso para mantenimiento. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 131/302...
60 días desde el último momento en FULL SPEED. “ ” Consulte la sección Windows Protocol Limpieza La superficie exterior de la 305-IC puede ser limpiada con detergente suave solamente. 132/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
El usuario final deberá contactar con el proveedor del dispositivo, ya sea la Empresa matriz o un minorista, para iniciar el proceso de recolección y eliminación después de comprobar los términos contractuales y las condiciones de venta. Para más información consulte: http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 133/302...
Es obligatorio completar la Solicitud de Devolución para devolver su bomba a Agilent para mantenimiento (proporcionada al final del presente manual). 134/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
TwisTorr 305-IC Mounting Connection of the High Vacuum Flange Installation of ISO-K Flange Installation of ConFlat Flange Connection of the Fore-Vacuum Pump Startup and Operation of the TwisTorr 305-IC Stopping the TwisTorr 305-IC Emergency stop Maintenance Rotor life Soft Start...
About this manual About this manual Validity This manual lists the instructions for the users of the TwisTorr 305-IC, with particular reference to the notions relating to safety, operation and first level maintenance, limited to maintenance operations for which the user is responsible.
Caution messages are displayed before procedures which, if not observed, could CAUTION! cause damage to the equipment. Notes are intended to call attention to important information and provide more NOTE detail regarding specific steps. 198/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Warning Symbols The following is a list of symbols that appear in conjunction with warnings on the TwisTorr 305-IC. The hazard they describe is also shown. A triangular symbol indicates a warning. The meanings of the symbols that may appear alongside warnings in the documentation or on the instrument itself are...
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USB port Protective Ground Terminal Do Not Touch Main connector Near Field Communication (smartphone's antenna) CE certification CSA certification Restriction of Hazardous Substances certification RoHS China certification Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 200/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Agilent Technologies declines all responsibility for damage to the machine or for the physical safety of the operator or third parties deriving from the non- observance of the safety rules indicated in the technical documentation.
Instructions for Use Improper Use Improper Use Agilent Technologies declines all responsibility, deriving from the improper use of the TwisTorr 305-IC. Improper use will cause all claims for liability and warranties to be forfeited. Improper use is defined as: installation of the pump with unspecified mounting material ▪...
➔ Carry small and mid-size vacuum pumps two-handed. ➔ Any equipment heavier than 20 kg should be trasnported using a suitable lifting device. ➔ Wear safety shoes with steel toe cap according to directive EN 347. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 203/302...
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➔ Do not operate directly inside the high vacuum flange. ➔ If necessary wear protective gloves according to EN 420. 204/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
WARNING! To avoid damage to equipment and to prevent injuries to operating personnel the installation instructions as given in this manual should be strictly followed! TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 205/302...
If for any reason the shelf life time is exceeded, the pump has to be returned to CAUTION! the factory. Please contact the local Agilent Vacuum Sales and Service representative for information. 206/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
This equipment is intended for professional use and to be used by professionals. The TwisTorr 305-IC is a turbomolecular pump for high and ultrahigh vacuum applications which is able to pump any type of non corrosive and oxidizing gas or gas compound.
Installation Installation Preparation for Installation The TwisTorr 305-IC is supplied in a special protective packaging. If this shows signs of damage which may have occurred during transport, contact your local sales office. Avoid sudden impacts to the 305-IC that would be caused by dropping it. Be aware to maintain the packaging box in order to reuse it in case of storage for a long period of time or in case of shipping.
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Instructions for Use Installation Figure 1 TwisTorr 305-IC packaging TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 209/302...
DB15 connection. Remove these protective caps only when connecting the pump to the controller. Do not remove the adhesive and protective cap until you are ready to install the CAUTION! turbopump to the system. Figure 2 210/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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During operation, the following environmental conditions must be complied with in order to avoid condensation: maximum ambient pressure: 2 bar above atmospheric pressure ▪ temperature: from +5 °C to +35 °C ▪ relative humidity: 0 – 90 % (non-condensing). ▪ TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 211/302...
The TwisTorr 305-IC can be installed in any position. Fix the TwisTorr 305-IC in a stable position, mounting the inlet flange of the turbopump to the system counter-flange, with a connection capable of withstanding a torque of 1000 Nm around its axis.
Agilent, there is the chance of the 305-IC twisting or tearing-off in case the rotor suddenly stops. The combination of different flange types is not allowed. Agilent will not accept any liability for all damages resulting from improper fastening. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 213/302...
(a protective screen can optionally be used). Figure 3 Use the required number of claw clamps: 4 for ISO 100 flange ▪ 4 for ISO 160 flange ▪ Tighten the claw clamps with a torque of 22 Nm. 214/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
In some cases, the connections can be made only with the bolt in the lower side. Exercise care when tightening nuts and bolts to avoid creating dents in the CAUTION! envelope. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 215/302...
The foreline connection should be made using the KF 16 NW flange provided on the TwisTorr 305-IC. The connection to the foreline pump can be made by a vacuum rated hose or pipe. If a rigid pipe is used, any vibration generated by the mechanical pump must be damped through the use of bellows.
It can be used, after properly wiring, both to connect the TwisTorr 305-IC to the supply source as well as to the accessory parts (cooling fan, vent valves) and also to the serial comm.
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Instructions for Use Startup and Operation of the TwisTorr 305-IC WARNING! The status of the pump will be displayed by the 3 LEDs on the controller. SYMBOL LED STATUS TON/TOFF MEANING Green Power Off 305-IC OFF, status: STOP/WAITING On, flashing...
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Instructions for Use Startup and Operation of the TwisTorr 305-IC (3) In case a Malfunction (Red LED, ON Solid light) is detected, the pump cannot spin NOTE upon receiving the start command. The user can troubleshoot the reason for the malfunction by checking the error messages via serial communication and also referring to the list of suggested actions.
This mode is to be used only in an emergency. The use of this stop mode could lead to faults and/or damages at the pump. Improper use of this stop mode could void the warranty. 220/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
As a precautionary measure, considering the typical usage of the pump and taking into account safety limits, Agilent recommends to return the pump after 17 years of use for maintenance. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 221/302...
The WIN 100 has no effect on the automatic soft start at the first starting and after 60 days from the last moment in FULL SPEED. See “Windows Protocol” section. Cleaning The exterior surface of the 305-IC may be cleaned with mild detergent only. 222/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Parent Company or a retailer, to initiate the collection and disposal process after checking the contractual terms and conditions of sale. For more information refer to: http://www.agilent.com/environment/product/index.shtml TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 223/302...
Completion of the Request for Return form is required to return your pump to Agilent for service (provided at the end of this manual). 224/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual Technical Information Description of the TwisTorr 305-IC Technical Specification TwisTorr 305-IC Outline Pump Operations Inlet screen installation Air Cooling Kit Installation (only for air cooled pumps) Assembling procedure Air Cooling Kit X3500-68010 Water Cooling Kit Connection (only for water...
TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual Connection through USB plug Error messages Warning messages Accessories and Spare Parts 226/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Description of the TwisTorr 305-IC Description of the TwisTorr 305-IC The TwisTorr 305-IC consists of a high frequency induction motor driving a turbine fitted with 8 bladed stages and 3 TwisTorr drag stages. The turbine rotates in an counterclockwise direction when viewed from the high vacuum flange end.
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Technical Information Description of the TwisTorr 305-IC The TwisTorr 305-IC is available in various models that differ in the high vacuum flange. The TwisTorr 305-IC models are: X3513-64000 TWISTORR 305-IC ISO100K 485AGI AIR COOLING X3513-64001 TWISTORR 305-IC CFF6 485AGI AIR COOLING...
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Technical Information Description of the TwisTorr 305-IC The following figures shows the 24 models. The optional air cooling fan is shown in the drawings. TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 5 TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 6 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 229/302...
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Technical Information Description of the TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 7 TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 8 230/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Technical Information Description of the TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 9 TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 10 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 231/302...
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Technical Information Description of the TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 11 TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 12 232/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
60600 rpm (1010 Hz driving frequency) Start-up time 3 minutes (it can be longer in case of soft start active) Recommended forepump Mechanical pump: DS102, DS302 Dry Pump IDP-3 (no gas flow), IDP-7, IDP10 Operating position TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 233/302...
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In case the user does not have a 24Vdc power output already available, the power supply MFR: MeanWell; MPN: NDR-240- 24 is suitable for the application. Protection fuse Max operating altitude 3000 m 234/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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(7.5A) the voltage lost is 1.5V. USB communication as per USB 1.0 When the TwisTorr 305-IC has been stored at a temperature less NOTE than 5°C, wait until the system has reached the above mentioned temperature before switch the TwisTorr 305-IC on.
Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline TwisTorr 305-IC Outline The following figures show the TwisTorr 305-IC (dimensions are in mm [inches]). TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 14 On board CNTR; Foreline flange KF16 VENT screw 236/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 15 On board CNTR; Foreline flange KF16 VENT screw TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 237/302...
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 16 On board CNTR; Foreline flange KF16 VENT screw 238/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 17 On board CNTR; Foreline flange KF16 VENT screw TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 239/302...
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 18 On board CNTR; Foreline flange KF16 VENT screw 240/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 19 On board CNTR; Foreline flange KF16 VENT screw Water cooling TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 241/302...
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 20 On board CNTR; Foreline flange KF16 VENT screw Water cooling 242/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline TwisTorr 305-IC TwisTorr 305-IC Figure 21 On board CNTR; Foreline flange KF16 VENT screw Water cooling TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 243/302...
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline Figure 22 244/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline Figure 23 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 245/302...
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Technical Information TwisTorr 305-IC Outline Figure 24 246/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Inlet screens help prevent damage to the blades by preventing foreign objects from entering the pump. The following part numbers belong to the corresponding flange: 9699302 (CFF 6’’) ▪ 9699304 (CFF 8’’) ▪ X3500-68000 (ISO 100) ▪ X3500-68001 (ISO 160) ▪ TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 247/302...
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The inlet screen is fitted in the upper part of the pump, as shown in the figure. Figure 27 The screen can be mounted on each pump. The screen can be removed as shown in the following figure. 248/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Technical Information Pump Operations Figure 28 The overall flange dimensions with the protection screen fitted on pump do not change as the inlet screen remains integrated into the center-ring. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 249/302...
Figure 29 The fan bracket is shaped so that it can be mounted close to the pump. To fix the fan to the TwisTorr 305-IC case execute the following procedure (see the following figure): Mount the 305-IC Fan/Vent Adapter kit P/N X3514-68001 (the adapter is provided with two extension cables, suitable for mounting of the cooling fan and the vent kit).
Assembling procedure Air Cooling Kit X3500-68010 Assembling procedure Air Cooling Kit X3500-68010 To mount the air cooling Kit on the Twistorr 305-IC pump, proceed as follows: Fix the fan (1) to the bracket (2) using the furnished screws (3). Figure 30 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Technical Information Assembling procedure Air Cooling Kit X3500-68010 Now fix the air cooling bracket/fan assembly to the pump body. Figure 31 On board CNTR Foreline flange KF16 VENT screw 252/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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(see figure on the next page) of the pump and then connect the air cooling kit connector to the adapter connector (6), by the way of the extension cable which is provided to together with the adapter P/N X3514-68001. Figure 32 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 253/302...
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Technical Information Assembling procedure Air Cooling Kit X3500-68010 Figure 33 The picture shows the pump with the optional cooling fan. 254/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Two types of water cooling kits are available to be mounted when the pump is used under heavy load conditions or when air cooling is insufficient. The two model part numbers are: 9699337 (metallic model), and 9699347 (plastic model). Figure 34 Figure 35 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 255/302...
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The assembled kit must be screwed into the suitable holes of the pump body with a recommended torque of 5 Nm. The metallic model is assembled as shown in the following figure. Figure 37 256/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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50 l/h (0.22 GPM). The max water inlet pressure must be lower than 5 bar. The water electrical conductance must be ≤ 500 µs/cm. When the conductivity NOTE is higher, in closed water circuit, the use of up to 20 % of Ethyl-Glycole is recommended. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 257/302...
Vent Accessories The vent valve and vent device enable an automatic vent operation. TwisTorr 305-IC compatible Vent Valve mod. 9699834 – 9699834M006 Figure 38 This vent valve waits before opening a minimum time of about 5 sec. This time can be increased up to about 220 min.
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To install the vent valve, unscrew the threaded plug (see figure below). Figure 39 Then screw the vent valve into the pump and tighten it using a 16 mm hexagonal spanner with a torque of 2.5 Nm. Figure 40 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 259/302...
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Adapter kit P/N X3514-68001, when the assembly is completeted. Figure 41 Do not overtighten the valve as this may damage the thread on the pump. CAUTION! Then connect the cable from the valve to the suitable connector on the controller. 260/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Turbo pump, with the chamber or the Turbo vent valve open, to avoid system overpressures. If the vent valve can't be kept open, the backing pump should be left operating. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 261/302...
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Technical Information Pump Used with Corrosive and Oxidizing Gases Figure 42 Purge gas line Pressure regulator Gas purge valve Gas purge port Forevacuum pump Turbopump 10 Vent valve 262/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Figure 43 and then screw the gas purge valve (with a torque of 2.5 Nm) as shown in the following figure. Figure 44 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 263/302...
9699334 for CFF 6” flange; ▪ model 9699335 for CFF 8” flange. ▪ They typically reduce the vibration transmitted from the TwisTorr 305-IC to the system by a factor of 20. 264/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Technical Information Controller Operations Controller Operations Interconnections The following figure shows the TwisTorr 305-IC on board interconnections. Figure 45 In the picture it is shown the adapter P/N X3514-68001 connected to the pump. Vent valve connector. Cooling fan connector. Connector DB15 for power supply and serial communication and remote inputs and outputs control.
This connector carries all the input and output signals to remote control the TwisTorr 305-IC. It is a 15-pins D type connector; the available signals are detailed in the table, the following paragraphs describe the signal characteristics and use. 266/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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For RS485 communication: RS485 COM PORT Standard RS485, 8 bit no parity bit, n.1 start bit, n.1..2 stop bit RS485 COM PORT Supply Voltage Input Note: All potentials refer to pin 15 (GND). TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 267/302...
PWM duty cycle >75% will ensure a rotational frequency equal to the one that has been set via the serial command; the default factory setting for the rotational target frequency is 1010Hz. 268/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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When the reference size is Power, the relation is: ANALOG OUTPUT Vout =10V --> Output power = 200W When the reference size is Temperature, the relation is ANALOG OUTPUT Vout =10V --> Pump Body Temperature = 125°C TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 269/302...
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24 Vdc and becomes 0 Vdc when activated). Moreover, if the reference quantity is the frequency or the current drawn, it is possible to set the hysteresis (in % of the threshold value) to avoid bouncing. 270/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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909 Hz ▪ hysteresis: 2 % ▪ activation type: high level ▪ delay time: 0 second ▪ The TwisTorr 305-IC Software (optional) allows the operator to set all NOTE the programmable feature. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 271/302...
Figure 52 WARNING! If the power supply for the digital input is supplied by an external power supply then pin 15 on the controller should be connected to ground. 272/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Technical Information How to Connect the Controller Outputs How to Connect the Controller Outputs The following figure shows a typical logic output connection for pin 8, 9, 10 or 11. Figure 53 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 273/302...
<DATA> = an alphanumeric ASCII string with the data to be written into the ▪ window. In case of a reading command this field is not present. The field length varies according to the data type as shown in the following table: 276/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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MESSAGE. Using the RS 485 interface, the message structure remains identical to the one NOTE used for the RS 232 interface, the only difference is the value assigned to the ADDRESS <ADDR>. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 277/302...
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Window The specified window is Read Only or temporarily Win Disabled 1 byte (0x35) disabled (for example you can’t write the Soft Start when the Pump is running) 278/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Technical Information Windows Protocol Examples: Command: START Source: PC Destination: Controller ADDR WINDOW Source: Controller Destination: PC ADDR Command: STOP Source: PC Destination: Controller ADDR WINDOW Source: Controller Destination: PC ADDR TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 279/302...
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Technical Information Windows Protocol Command: SOFT-START (ON) Source: PC Destination: Controller ADDR WINDOW Source: Controller Destination: PC ADDR Command: SOFT-START (OFF) Source: PC Destination: Controller ADDR WINDOW Source: Controller Destination: PC ADDR 280/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Set the vent valve operation Automatic Set the vent valve Always Always 0 = Automatic operation 1 = On command Vent valve opening Always Always Vent valve opening delay (expressed in 0.2sec) 3 sec delay TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 281/302...
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0 = No connection to pump Always controller temperature It reads the MOSFET bridge temperature Always controller temperature It reads the controller PCB temperature Always Actual Setpoint Status Reports the actual state of setpoint output 282/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Always Average Frequency It indicates the driving frequency filter value with T=1hour Always Worst temp cycle number Always Worst temp cycle time Always Worst temp cycle temperature Always Worst temp cycle current TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 283/302...
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WIN # 0 VALUE 1 VALUE UNIT WIN # 0 VALUE 1 VALUE UNIT Reset Stop Start Impulse Continuous Serial Remote Disable Enable 99999 Hz/W/s 999999 High Level Low Level 65535 0,2s 284/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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0 VALUE 1 VALUE UNIT °C 65535 0,2s 1/10V °C °C °C °C °C °C 1/100V hours hours hours 11 chars 11 chars 4 chars 10 chars 10 chars 10 chars 10 chars TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 285/302...
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E: Thermal pad over temperature F: Vdc over voltage G: Fault DRV8305 H: Too high load I: Rotor locked L: RFU/Not used (RFU=Reserved for Future Use) M: Body HW over temperature N: Run Up Time 286/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
NFC icon on the controller. WARNING! Before downloading the dedicated App, check the compatibility with the operating system of the device used. TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 287/302...
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NFC icon on the controller and take the smartphone at a distance less than 2 cm (1 in). Figure 56 This function can also be used when the pump is off. NOTE 288/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
The USB port is recognized by PC as "Virtual COM". All windows and related features of the Windows protocol are available on the "Virtual COM" port. WARNING! Do not use the USB port for writing simultaneously with the main serial (DB15). 290/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
Flash value limits. Check for the pump rotor can spin freely. Restart the pump Fault DRV8305 Mosfet bridge driver failure Contact Agilent to get ON, Solid ON, Inv appropriate directions Flash TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 291/302...
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The value depends on the Gas Load application selection, as shown below: Wait for the pump temperature (Ar) --> 50°C to return below the related ) --> 55°C threshold. (He) --> 60°C Restart the pump. 292/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
(they have to match with the output specifications) and check it for the absence of short circuits/lack of insulation If NO, contact Agilent to get the appropriate directions TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 293/302...
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(check also for the connection cables -load/unit- integrity). If NO LOAD is applied to the outputs, these warnings are meaningless, please disregard them. 294/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
The communication S/W between the controller and the pump (A-Plus) is NOTE available on the Agilent website: https://www.agilent.com/en/products/vacuum-technologies/vacuum-leak- detection-software/a-plus-software The connection is provided through USB (use a standard USB A male - USB B male). TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00) 295/302...
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Technical Information Accessories and Spare Parts This page intentionally left blank 296/302 TwisTorr 305-IC User Manual / 87-901-058-01 (A.00)
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Vacuum Products Division Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing an Agilent vacuum product. At Agilent Vacuum Products Division we make every effort to ensure that you will be satisfied with the product and/or service you have purchased. As part of our Continuous Improvement effort, we ask that you report to us any problem you may have had with the purchase or operation of our products.
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Terms and conditions TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please read the terms and conditions below as they apply to all returns and are in addition to the Agilent Technologies Vacuum Product Division – Products and Services Terms of Sale. Unless otherwise pre-negotiated, customer is responsible for the freight charges for the returning product.
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Vacuum Products Division Request for Return Form Customer information Company : Contact Name: Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Equipment Product description Agilent PartNo Agilent Serial No Original Purchasing Reference Failure description Type of process (for which the equipment was used) Type of return Non Billable Billable New PO # (hard copy must be submitted with this form): ______________________________________...
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Request for Return Form United States India (Sales) India (Service) Agilent Technologies Agilent Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. Agilent Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. 121 Hartwell Avenue Unit Nos 110- 116, & Part of 101 & 109 C-Block, RMZ Centennial Plot Number- 8A, 8B, 8C,...