7. Product technical features
All technical features stated make reference at a room
temperature of 20°C (± 5°C).
King Gates reserves the right to modify the product at any
time it deems necessary, however maintaining the same
functionality and destination of use.
• Type: Electro-mechanical dear motors for gates and doors
with hinged panels
• Power input: 24 V
• Peak absorption: 5 A
• Maximum absorption: 2 A
• Peak power: 120 W
• Maximum power: 50 W
• Protection rating: IP 67
• Run: from 0° to 90° (±10°) or from 0° to 180° (±10°)
[intermediate openings between 90° and 180° are not
• Idle speed: 1.25 rpm
• Speed at nominal torque: 1 rpm
• Maximum torque: 250 Nm
• Nominal torque: 120 Nm
• Functioning temperature: -20 °C ... +50 °C
• Cycles/hour at the nominal torque: 60
• Duration: Estimated between about 80.000 and 200.000
manoeuvre cycles, according to the conditions given in
Table 1
• Dimensions: 230 mm x 206 mm x h 88 mm
• Weight: 15 kg (gear motor with foundation space)
8. Product duration
The duration and average economic life of the product. The
value of duration is strongly affected by the fatigue index of the
manoeuvres performed by the automation: i.e. the sum of all
factors that contribute to wear of the product (see Table 1).
The estimation of duration is made on the basis of the design
calculations and the test results performed on prototypes. In fact,
as it is an estimate, it does not represent any guarantee regarding
the effective duration of the product.
To establish the probable duration of your automation, proceed
as follows:
01. Calculate the fatigue index by adding the percentage values of
the items present in Table 1.
02. In Graph A of the value just found, trace a vertical line that
crosses the curve; from this point trace a horizontal line until
the "manoeuvre cycles" line is crossed. The value determined
is the estimated duration of your product.
Example of the duration calculation of an gear motor.
Refer to Table 1 and Graph A:
1) - Panel length: 1.7 m
2) - Panel weight: 200 kg = fatigue index: 20%.
3) - Installation in windy areas = fatigue index: 15%.
4) - Does not have other elements of fatigue.
Total fatigue index = 35%
Estimated duration = 120.000 manoeuvre cycles
Length of
≥ 1.50
1.51 ÷ 1.80
the panel (m)
Weight of
the panel
≤ 100
0 %
10 %
101 ÷ 250
20 %
251 ÷ 300
301 ÷ 330
30 %
331 ÷ 400
40 %
Environmental temperature exceeding 40°C or
below 0°C or humidity exceeding 80%
Blind panel
Installation in windy area
1.81 ÷ 2.00
2.01 ÷ 2.30
Fatigue index
10 %
20 %
30 %
20 %
30 %
40 %
30 %
40 %
50 %
40 %
50 %
50 %
15 %
15 %
15 %
90 100
fatigue index %