Compresor Compacto De Aire; Descripción; Especificaciones - Westward 3JR69A Manual De Instrucciones Operativas Y Piezas

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Westward Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Compact Air Compressor
WESTWARD ONE-YEAR LIMITED WAR RAN TY. Westward Air Compressors, Models
cov ered in this man u al, are warranted by Westward to the orig i nal user against defects
in work man ship or ma te ri als un der normal use for one year after date of pur chase. Any
part which is determined to be de fec tive in material or work man ship and re turned to an
authorized service lo ca tion, as Westward designates, shipping costs pre paid, will be, as
the ex clu sive remedy, re paired or re placed at Westward's option. For limited warranty
claim procedures, see PROMPT DIS PO SI TION be low. This lim it ed warranty gives
purchasers specific legal rights, which vary from ju ris dic tion to ju ris dic tion.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. To the extent allowable under applicable law, Westward's
li a bil i ty for consequential and in ci den tal dam ag es is expressly disclaimed. Westward's
liability in all events is limited to and shall not exceed the purchase price paid.
WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. Westward has made a diligent effort to provide product in for-
ma tion and illustrate the products in this lit er a ture accurately; however, such in for ma tion
and illustrations are for the sole purpose of identification, and do not ex press or imply a
warranty that the prod ucts are MERCHANTABLE, or FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,
or that the prod ucts will nec es sar i ly conform to the illustrations or descriptions. Except
as provided below, no warranty or affirmation of fact, expressed or implied, other than as
stated in the "LIMITED WARRANTY" above is made or authorized by Westward.
PRODUCT SUITABILITY. Many ju ris dic tions have codes and regulations governing sales,
construction, installation, and/or use of products for certain purposes, which may vary from
those in neighboring areas. While Westward attempts to assure that its prod ucts comply
with such codes, it cannot guarantee compliance, and cannot be responsible for how the
product is installed or used. Before purchase and use of a product, review the product
applications, and all applicable national and local codes and reg u la tions, and be sure that
the product, installation, and use will comply with them.
Certain aspects of disclaimers are not applicable to consumer products; e.g., (a) some
jurisdictions do not allow the ex clu sion or lim i ta tion of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you; (b) also, some ju ris-
dic tions do not allow a limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, consequently the
above lim i ta tion may not apply to you; and (c) by law, during the period of the Limited
Warranty, any implied warranties of implied merchantability or fitness for a par tic u lar
purpose applicable to consumer products purchased by consumers, may not be excluded
or otherwise disclaimed.
PROMPT DISPOSITION. Westward will make a good faith effort for prompt correction or
other adjustment with respect to any prod uct, which proves to be defective within limited
warranty. For any product believed to be defective within limited war ran ty, first write or call
dealer from whom the product was purchased. Dealer will give additional directions. If
unable to solve sat is fac to ri ly, write to Westward at address below, giving dealer's name,
address, date, and number of dealer's in voice, and de scrib ing the nature of the defect.
Title and risk of loss pass to buyer on delivery to common carrier. If prod uct was damaged
in transit to you, file claim with carrier.
Manufactured for Grainger International Inc.,
100 Grainger Parkway, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 U.S.A.
Model 3JR69A
18- ENG
Westward -
Manual de Instrucciones Operativas y Piezas
Sírvase leer y conservar estas instrucciones. Lea completa y atentamente este
manual del propietario antes de utilizar este producto. Protéjase y a los demás
observando toda la información relacionada con la seguridad, advertencias y
precauciones. La desatención al cumplimiento de todas las instrucciones podrá
ocasionar lesiones personales y/o daños al producto o a la propiedad. Sírvase
retener las instrucciones para referencias futuras.

Compresor compacto de aire

Compresor de aire, sin aceite, para uso doméstico con un ciclo de servicio
50/50. El compresor de aire viene equipado con una válvula reguladora de
presión, y está diseñada para su durabilidad y bajo mantenimiento.
Tome de su asa y levante el
compresor de aire fuera de su
caja. Extraiga todo el embalaje
del compresor y descártelo.
Conserve su literatura.
Una vez desembalada la unidad,
inspecciónela cuidadosamente
por cualquier daño que pudiese
haber ocurrido durante su
transporte. Verifique la existencia
de faltantes o piezas dañadas.
Los reclamos por daños en el
transporte deben hacerse al


10 AMP
Impreso en EE.UU.
01/06 r0
Modelo 3JR69A
Voltios / Hz.
/min a
/min a
/ Fases
40 lb/pug
90 lb/pug
12 lbs.
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