Bosch Praesideo 4.3 Manual De Uso página 40

Sistema de megafonía y sistema acústico de emergencia
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Praesideo 4.3
1.5."Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the substance or structure of either the Original Code or any
previous Modifications.
1.6."Original Code" means the Source Code to GoAhead's proprietary computer software entitled GoAhead WebServer.
1.7."Response Header" means the first portion of the response message output by the GoAhead WebServer, containing
but not limited to, header fields for date, content-type, server identification and cache control.
1.8."Server Identification Field" means the field in the Response Header which contains the text "Server: GoAhead-
1.9."You" means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this
license or a future version of this license. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity which controls, is controlled by, or
is under common control with You. For purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to
cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of fifty percent
(50%) or more of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
2.1.Limited Source Code Grant
GoAhead hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property
claims, to use, reproduce, modify, copy and distribute the Original Code.
2.2.Binary Code
GoAhead hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to copy and distribute the binary code
versions of the Original Code together with Your Modifications.
2.3.License Back to GoAhead
You hereby grant in both source code and binary code to GoAhead a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to
copy, modify, display, use and sublicense any Modifications You make that are distributed or planned for distribution.
Within 30 days of either such event, You agree to ship to GoAhead a file containing the Modifications (in a media to be
determined by the parties), including any programmers' notes and other programmers' materials. Additionally, You will
provide to GoAhead a complete description of the product, the product code or model number, the date on which the
product is initially shipped, and a contact name, phone number and e-mail address for future correspondence. GoAhead
will keep confidential all data specifically marked as such.
2.4.Restrictions on Use
You may sublicense Modifications to third parties such as subcontractors or OEM's provided that You enter into license
agreements with such third parties that bind such third parties to all the obligations under this Agreement applicable to
you and that are otherwise substantially similar in scope and application to this Agreement.
This Agreement and license are effective from the time You accept the terms of this Agreement until this Agreement is
terminated. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by uninstalling or destroying all copies of the Original Code
including any and all binary versions and removing any Modifications to the Original Code existing in any products.
This Agreement will terminate immediately and without further notice if You fail to comply with any provision of this
Agreement. All restrictions on use, and all other provisions that may reasonably be interpreted to survive termination of
this Agreement, will survive termination of this Agreement for any reason. Upon termination, You agree to uninstall or
destroy all copies of the Original Code, Modifications, and Documentation.
4.1.License and Use
GoAhead hereby grants to You a limited world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use the GoAhead trade
names, trademarks, logos, service marks and product designations posted in Exhibit A (collectively, the "GoAhead
Marks") in connection with the activities by You under this Agreement. Additionally, GoAhead grants You a license
under the terms above to such GoAhead trademarks as shall be identified at a URL (the "URL") provided by GoAhead.
The use by You of GoAhead Marks shall be in accordance with GoAhead's trademark policies regarding trademark
usage as established at the web site designated by the URL, or as otherwise communicated to You by GoAhead at its
sole discretion. You understand and agree that any use of GoAhead Marks in connection with this Agreement shall not
create any right, title or interest in or to such GoAhead Marks and that all such use and goodwill associated with
GoAhead Marks will inure to the benefit of GoAhead.
4.2.Promotion by You of GoAhead WebServer Mark
In consideration for the licenses granted by GoAhead to You herein, You agree to notify GoAhead when You
incorporate the GoAhead WebServer in Your product and to inform GoAhead when such product begins to ship. You
agree to promote the Original Code by prominently and visibly displaying a graphic of the GoAhead WebServer mark
on the initial web page of Your product that is displayed each time a user connects to it. You also agree that GoAhead
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
Manual de uso e instalación
IUI-PRAESIDEO_4.3 | V1.0 | 2015.02
es | 40
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