Be absolutely certain that the correct seal material has been selected for the intended use. Contact
PLIDCO or an authorized PLIDCO distributor if there are any questions about the seal compatibility
with the pipeline chemicals and temperatures.
Verify that the sealant is compatible with the contents of the pipeline and temperature.
If mainlining of sealant is a concern see section labeled Mainlining Sealant Reduction
The PLIDCO Flange+Repair Ring must never be used to couple flanges. No end restraint is
provided with the PLIDCO Flange+Repair Ring.
Careless handling can damage the seals and GirderRings (gasket retainers). Lifting devices such
as chains, cables or lift truck forks should not be allowed to contact the seals or GirderRings.
Contact can result in the seals being pulled from their grooves.
Observe the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) and temperature on the label of the
PLIDCO product. Do not exceed the MAOP or temperature as indicated on the unit.
Remove all coatings, rust and scale from the flange surface where the circumferential seals of the
PLIDCO Flange+Repair Ring will contact the flanges (see Figure 1). A near-white finish, as noted
in SSPC-SP10 / NACE No.2, is preferred. The cleaner the flange outside diameter surface, the
more positive the seal.
Inspect the outer diameter surfaces of the flanges for gouging, corrosion, pitting or line up notches,
these types of defects could hinder the sealing capabilities of the PLIDCO Flange+Repair Ring. The
defective surfaces can be rendered suitable for sealing by applying a suitable epoxy such as
Belzona 1161, or equivalent, and sanding or filing the surface to match the required outer diameter.
The seals can tolerate minor surface irregularities up to ± 1/32 inch (± 0.8 mm). Outside diameter
tolerance is ± 0.06 inch (± 1.5 mm).
Figure 1
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