cup water
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1½ cups Gold Medal Better for Bread flour
½ teaspoon Italian seasoning, if desired
½ teaspoon salt
teaspoon sugar
1¼ teaspoons bread machine or quick active dry yeast
cup pizza sauce
1½ cups shredded mozzarella cheese (6 ounces)
cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1. Measure carefully, placing all ingredients except pizza sauce and cheeses in
bread machine pan in the order listed.
2. Select Dough cycle. Do not use Delay cycle.
3. Remove dough from pan, using lightly floured hands. Knead 5 minutes on lightly
floured surface (if necessary, knead in enough flour to make dough easy to
handle). Cover and let rest 10 minutes.
4. Move oven rack to lowest position. Heat oven to 450ºF. Grease large cookie
sheet or 12-inch pizza pan. Pat dough into 13-inch circle on cookie sheet; pinch
edge, forming ½-inch rim. Spread pizza sauce over dough. Sprinkle with
cheeses. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until crust is golden brown and cheeses are
melted. 1 pizza; 8 wedges.
Two-Cheese Pizza