1. Installation of the Clima Control
1. Mount the TechGrow Clima Control Eco on the wall
with the supplied mounting kit, but not near a water
pipe or drain.
2. Mount the Temp Probe, preferably about one meter
above the floor.
3. Make sure the rocker switch is set to "OFF".
4. Plug the plug(s) of the fan(s) into the outlet(s) of the
Clima Control Eco.
5. Plug the Clima Control Eco into an electrical outlet.
6. Ready!
2. Operation of the Clima Control Eco
The Clima Control Eco controls the temperature in your
room. The fan control works on the basis of the set
minimum fan speed "BOX MIN", maximum fan speed
"BOX MAX", temperature and hysteresis.
If the desired temperature is set to 27 °C and the
hysteresis is set to 2 °C, the temperature can be between
25 °C and 29 °C (27 °C - 2 °C / 27 °C + 2 °C).
If the temperature is below the set temperature minus
hysteresis (in this example, below 25 °C), the fan runs at
the set "BOX MIN" speed.
If the temperature is above the set temperature plus
hysteresis (in this example, above 29 °C), the fan runs at
the set "BOX MAX" speed.
If the measured temperature is equal to the set
temperature (in this case 27 °C), the fan runs at idle
speed (see section 4.5).
Within the set hysteresis range (+/- 2 °C), the speed is
automatically reduced to the set "BOX MIN" speed or
increased to the set "BOX MAX" speed.
In the event of a sensor failure, the fan speed increases
to the maximum speed ("MAX").
2.1 Automatic functions
Depending on the settings, the fans are automatically
controlled. After activation of the Clima Control Eco the
connected fans always start at full speed (for 1 second),
to guarantee that your fan starts no matter how low the
"BOX MIN" is. After setting the desired temperature, the
Clima Control Eco will
always maintain this temperature.
| Innovative Growing Solutions
3. Connecting sensors or other
The only sensor suitable for the Clima Control Eco is the
pre-assembled Temp Probe. It is not possible to connect
additional sensors or other equipment to the Clima
Control Eco.
4. Control and set the Clima Control
4.1 Set minimum fan speed
Turn the "TEMP" temperature knob all the way up to 45
°C. Set the rocker switch to "AUTO". The fan starts (the
fan must be switched on).
Now set the minimum fan speed to the desired level by
turning the "BOX MIN" knob.
4.2 Set maximum fan speed
Now, turn the "TEMP" temperature knob to 10 °C and
set the desired maximum fan speed by turning the "BOX
MAX" knob.
4.3 Temperature settings
Set the desired room temperature by turning the
"TEMP" knob.
4.4 Hysteresis
Set the hysteresis by turning the right rotary knob to the
desired value (1 °C - 7 °C).
4.5 Idle speed
If the measured temperature in the room is equal to the
set temperature, the fan runs at idle speed. This fan
speed lies in the exact middle of the set "BOX MIN"
speed and the set "BOX MAX" speed. If the temperature
deviates within the range of the set hysteresis, the fan
speed will adjust in proportion to the idle speed.
The set "BOX MIN" is 40%.
The set "BOX MAX" is 100%.
The set temperature is 27 °C.
The set hysteresis is 2 °C.