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S e r v i c i n g t h e To o l
D i s m a n t l i n g t h e To o l
Before dismantling the tool the oil must be emptied from it.
With the air supply switched OFF at ON/OFF Valve Assembly 62 remove Bleed Screw 1 and Bonded Seal 6.
Insert tool over a suitable container, switch air supply ON and actuate tool.
Oil will expel from bleed screw orifice into container.
Switch air supply OFF after all oil is expelled.
This operation must have the Bleed Screw orifice facing away from the person performing this operation.
H e a d A s s e m b l y
Unscrew Retaining Nut 35 and remove Stem Collector Bottle Assembly 71210-20400.
Pull off Bottle Adaptor Assembly 10.
Remove End Cap Assembly 50 together with 'O' Ring 47 and Lip Seal 9.
Remove Spring 91.
Loosen Locknut 40 with a spanner* and unscrew Jaw Spreader Housing 41 together with 'O' Ring 12.
Remove Locknut 40 together with 'O' Rings 19 and 15, withdraw Vacuum Sleeve 42.
Push Head Piston 36 to the rear and out of Head Assembly 58 taking care not to damage the cylinder bore.
Using circlip pliers* remove Seal Retainer 43. Push Lip Seal 8 and Bearing Tape 26 to the rear and out of Head Assembly 58 taking
care not to damage the cylinder bore.
Remove Seal Housing 52 and Lip Seal 2.
Assemble in reverse order noting the following points:
Place Lip Seal 8 onto the insertion rod* ensuring correct orientation. Locate the guide tube* into the head of the tool and push the
insertion rod* with the seal in place through the guide tube*. Pull the insertion rod* out and then the guide tube*.
The chamfered edge of Seal Retainer 43 must face forward with the gap at the bottom.
After fitting Lip Seal 11, 'O' Rings 18 and Bearing Tape 27 onto the Head Piston 36 ensuring correct orientation, lubricate the cylinder
bore and place the piston sleeve* into the back of Head Assembly 58. Slide the bullet* onto the threaded part of Head Piston 36 and
push the piston with the seals through the piston sleeve* as far as it will go. Slide the bullet* off the piston and remove piston sleeve*.
Jaw Spreader Housing 41 must be fully tightened onto Head Piston 36 before tightening Locknut 40 against it.
Reprime in accordance with the instructions on page 27.
* Item included in the nG3 Service Kit. For complete list see page 20.
Item numbers in bold refer to the General Assembly drawing and Parts List on pages 24 and 25.