Make sure that the user ID corresponds to which is registered
in the time clock. You can also select a picture (
) to append
it to the information.
In the second tab you can add additional information of the
person as his position or level of studies, as well as address
and personal telephone.
Finally, in the tab "Note" you can add special annotations,
followed by the indication given of discharge methods that
person record the entry and exit. Press "Save"
to register
the data of a person or "Cancel" to start again the data entry.
In the same way that Department, window press "Delete" to
delete a person from the system and "Change" to change data.
When finished adding staff, press "Close"
to return to the
wizard window.
• Device
Here you can add the device to be used for log entries and
exits of staff. Enter a name to recognize the device. Select
the time clock model (in this case is NU2088). Do not change
"Direction" option.