• Setting Profile Information
° Go to Settings à Profile à Enter information
– Picture, Name, Gender, Age, Height, Weight, Steps Goal,
Distance Unit
• Notifications
° Go to Settings à Call / SMS / More App Reminders / Safety / Sedentary
Reminder / Alarm / Display Timing / Find Band / Shake to Take Selfie
° Watch will vibrate if above notifications set
° Incoming Call: watch will vibrate and display Name or Number (Android
only) and "Call" for iOS
° SMS Message: watch will vibrate and display Name or Number
(Android only) and "Message" for iOS
° Other App Reminders: Other apps that allows notifications
° Clock: Up to 3 Alarms can be set with vibration alert. Offline alarm
is supported.
° Sedentary Alert: Default is set at 1 hour interval and will vibrate if
sedentary for more than 1 hour. (Android users can modify interval
in Settings)
° Tips for Android users: Allow the app to run backstage to use
• Other Features
° Smart Unlock (Android only): Turn on Smart Unlock, and the phone
screen will automatically unlock when near to the watch.
° Against Lost (Android only): The watch will vibrate when the phone is
out of range. The App floating window display must be in use to work.
° Find Band: Click "Find Band" and the watch will vibrate (must be