Intimidator Spot Duo 155 QRG
064 ó 073 Gobo 9 shake with increasing speed
Gobo Wheel
074 ó 079 Gobo 8 shake with increasing speed
(Both Heads)
080 ó 085 Gobo 7 shake with increasing speed
086 ó 091 Gobo 6 shake with increasing speed
092 ó 097 Gobo 5 shake with increasing speed
098 ó 103 Gobo 4 shake with increasing speed
104 ó 109 Gobo 3 shake with increasing speed
110 ó 115 Gobo 2 shake with increasing speed
116 ó 121 Gobo 1 shake with increasing speed
122 ó 127 Open
128 ó 191 Cycle effect with increasing speed
192 ó 255 Reverse cycle effect with increasing speed
000 ó 255 Dimmer for head 1 (0–100%)
Dimmer 1
000 ó 255 Dimmer for head 2 (0–100%)
Dimmer 2
000 ó 003 Light off
004 ó 007 Light on
008 ó 076 Shutter with increasing speed
077 ó 145 Pulse strobe with increasing speed
(Both Heads)
146 ó 215 Random strobe with increasing speed
216 ó 255 Light on
000 ó 009 No function
010 ó 014 Pan/Tilt blackout
015 ó 019 Color blackout
020 ó 024 Gobo blackout
025 ó 029 Pan/Tilt/Color blackout
030 ó 034 Pan/Tilt/Gobo blackout
035 ó 039 Color/Gobo blackout
040 ó 044 Pan/Tilt/Color/Gobo blackout
Control Functions
045 ó 049 No function
050 ó 054 First two heads setting
055 ó 059 Latter two heads setting
060 ó 064 Cancel four heads
065 ó 069 No function
070 ó 074 Reset
075 ó 079 No function
080 ó 084 Reverse pan/tilt for both heads