Instructions for use
ampoule crusher within the box of SCBIs or the one
located within the incubation area of the incubator)
and make sure that the liquid has completely wet the
spore carrier placed at the bottom of the biological
indicator plastic tube.
Do not remove or change placement of SCBI once
the reading process has begun. If this occurs,
results may be invalidated.
7.Place the rapid SCBI in a reading position, close the protective
cover and wait for the result. Reading will start automatically.
Immediately after placing the SCBI in a position, Bionova
MiniBio Auto-reader will emit a sound alarm indicating that
reading has successfully began and status position light will
turn on and will blink until the result is informed.
NOTE: If the incubator does not run automatically, it might
indicate that the incubator temperature is not steady yet
(check the temperature indicating light to remain steady)
or that the incubation position is disabled due to an error
in the initial autotest.
8.When a positive result is detected, the red light and the audible
alarm will turn on. This will indicate that the sterilization process
to which the SCBI was subject, has failed. 30 seconds after
removing the SCBI from the incubation position, the alarm and
the red light will turn off automatically and the position will be
available to start a new reading.
The negative SCBIs will be informed with a green light in the
corresponding position, this will indicate that the sterilization
process to which it was subject has been successful. The
green light will remain on for up to 30 seconds after the SCBI is
withdrawn from the reading position.
The incubator will inform results within 20 min. (60° C), 30
min. (60 ºC),1 h. (60 ºC), 2 hs. (60 °C), 3 hs. (60 ºC) or 4 hs.
(37 ºC), according to the program selected. These periods of
incubation are the time-limits used by the equipment to inform
the fluorescence final readout.
9.Every time a positive result is detected, it will be informed
through the printing of the corresponding ticket and with an
audible alarm. The alarm can be cancelled by pressing the
10.To register the tickets, take the paper and press up for the
paper to be cut with the serrated edge of the printer.
NOTE: If the paper for ticket printing is finished, the attention
blue light will flash rapidly. To replace the paper, follow the
instructions in Replacing the roll paper in the printer. The
incubator will save the last 3 results, for re-printing, follow
the Reprinting of the last results instructions.
Remaining incubation time
The Bionova
MiniBio allows verifying the remaining incubation
time in every reading position by ticket printing. Whenever a
reading process is in course, press and hold the button
seconds, a ticket will then be printed informing reading position,
incubation program and remaining incubation time.
To verify remaining incubation time of 2 or more readings in
course press 2 buttons
ticket informing remaining incubation time of all positions.
Positive Control
The positive control should belong to the same batch
of the processed SCBI.
Incubate the processed biological indicator and the
indicator used as positive control as specified in the
SCBI instructions.
MiniBio Page 9
simultaneously; the device renders a
for 3