A1.4 Dealers and Technical Service Centers (TSC) authorized by
Acqua Brevetti SRL
The device servicing must be performed only by technical service centres authorized by
Acqua Brevetti SRL. To get any information about retailers and authorized service centres please
A1.5 MiniDUE operation
MiniDUE is a self priming pump, it is thus sufficient to draw water from a tap to prime the pump.
MiniDUE is a mechanical pump that doesn't require electrical power supply; the operation of
MiniDUE is automatically activated by the water flow. The dosage of AcquaSIL 2/15
to water flow rates for withdrawals between the minimum and peak flow rates (see table in paragraph
A1.7). For water flows below the minimum the pump does not operate; for flow rates exceeding the
peak flow rate the dosage of AcquaSIL 2/15
is not possible. AcquaSIL 2/15
non recyclable refill bags. This way any handling operation of chemical is ruled out and the refill
operation is quicker and safe. Moreover this solution ease the installation of MiniDUE even in
reduced spaces (like wall-mounted boiler, for example). An extension-installation kit is available and
allows the installation of the refill at a distance from the body of the pump (length of the sucking pipe
about 70 cm). The lack of AcquaSIL 2/15
is visible from the emptying and crushing of the refill itself. Check the refill bag filling degree
periodically. When the refill is empty it is necessary to replace it. The dry running does not generate
any permanent damage to the pump; however the missed dosage of AcquaSIL 2/15
guarantee the protection against scale and corrosion.
A1.6 What's AcquaSIL 2/15
AcquaSIL 2/15
is a ready-to-use (do not dilute) aqueous solution of food grade sodium
polyphosphates used to prevent incrustation and corrosion.
Anti-scaling effect: AcquaSIL 2/15
the formation of scale deposits.
Anti-corrosive effect: AcquaSIL 2/15
hind the heat exchange phenomena, but it is very efficient in protecting the metal
surfaces from corrosive phenomena.
Keep AcquaSIL 2/15
ranging from 5 °C and 35 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.
For any further information about AcquaSIL 2/15
the Technical data sheet. Ask for these documents to Acqua Brevetti SRL or visit the website
MAN 115
in the refill is not signaled by any automatic device, but it
interfere with the carbonate crystallization phenomena hindering
form a protective layer on metal surfaces which is not able to
in a clean place away from direct sun and heat sources with room temperature
is reduced. As a consequence, the overdosage of
is contained in flexible, multi layered, disposable and
please read the Material Safety Data Sheet and
is proportional
does not