Lowest, Highest & Average readings
The lowest, highest and average temperatures recorded while the TL3 is powered on can be accessed from the menu.
These are indicated by LO, AVG or HI indicators shown on the display immediately before the corresponding reading
is displayed. These readings are deleted after the unit is powered off.
Wireless (TL3-W or TL3-R models only)
Bluetooth can be enabled from the menu to transmit temperature data to supported Bluetooth devices. Please go to
for additional information and drivers.
Display Codes
- Indicates the sensor is operating above its temperature limit, or the sensor is damaged.
Shrt Ct
- Indicates the sensor is operating below its temperature limit or the sensor is damaged.
Lo bAtt
- Indicates the battery voltage is low.
Zero Correction (TL3-R model only)
Note: A password ('247') is required to enter Zero Correction mode.
Corrections made will offset temperature over the entire range of the device.
Zero correction should only be performed by qualified personnel with proper
reference instrumentation.
Zero Correction is intended to be performed at water freezing point 0°C (32°F).
The Zero Correction can be accessed by selecting ZERO from the menu.
From the Zero Correction menu, selecting Corr will display the current zero correction.
Selecting AdJ will display a password field of 3 digits. Enter the password (247) one digit at a time using the
ADVANCE button to increment each display digit. Then use the SELECT button to go to the next digit. Pressing
SELECT for the 3
digit will take you to a temperature display where you can adjust the displayed temperature. The
arrow indicator shows the direction you are changing the temperature. Press and hold the ADVANCE button to
increment the value by 0.001 degrees until it reaches 10 and then it will increment at a rate of 0.01 degree per
second. Use the SELECT button to go from adjust UP, adjust DOWN, Save correction, and Cancel (don't save). Once
you have saved the adjustment you can view the zero adjustment being applied from the Zero→Corr→'Displays
current correction' menu selection.
ThermoProbe, Inc.
PEARL, MS 39208
Tel: +1 601.939.1831
Fax: +1 601.355.1831
11/2020, JK