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DJO Surgical Instruments and Instrument Cases
Instrumente und Instrumentenbehälter von DJO Surgical
Instruments chirurgicaux et boîtiers à instruments DJO Surgical
Instrumentos y estuches de instrumentos quirúrgicos de DJO Surgical
Strumenti chirurgici e custodie DJO Surgical
Χεηξνπξγηθά όξγαλα θαη ζήθεο νξγάλσλ DJO Surgical
DJO Surgical Aletleri ve Alet Kutuları
Encore Medical, L.P.
9800 Metric Blvd.
Austin, TX 78758
Schiffgraben 41
30175 Hannover, Germany
Distributed in Turkey by:
EndoProtez Ortopedi Ltd.Şti.
Halk Sokak ¼ Sıhhiye Ankara Türkiye
Telefon + 90 (312) 435 74 46
0400-0146 Rev. I 2011-10
For cleaning and sterilization of instrumentation distributed by DJO Surgical, please refer to the manufacturer's Instructions for Use provided in the Instrument Tray.
DJO Surgical instrumentation consists of devices and their accessories used in surgical procedures. Implantation of DJO Surgical products should only
be performed with DJO Surgical instrumentation or instrumentation distributed by DJO Surgical.
generally composed of titanium, stainless steel, aluminum, and/or polymeric materials. The cases may be multi-layered with various inserts to hold surgical
instrumentation in place during handling and storage. The inserts may consist of trays, holders, and silicone mats. The instrument cases will allow
sterilization of the contents to occur in a steam autoclave utilizing the cleaning, sterilization, and drying cycle that has been validated and detailed below.
Instrument cases do not provide a sterile barrier and must be used in conjunction with sterilization wrap to maintain sterility. Instruments are provided
non-sterile and should be stored in their original packaging until cleaned and sterilized according to the recommended guidelines listed below.
Automated cleaning may not be thorough enough. Carefully inspect each instrument to ensure that all visible blood residue and other contaminants have
been removed.
Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
DJO Surgical instruments can be steam sterilized and repeat sterilization will not adversely affect them. If problems related to instrument sets are identified
when using our instruments or instrument cases, please bring it to the attention of DJO Surgical for investigation. The lifetime of an instrument is typically
limited by normal wear and damage due to use.
DJO Surgical instrument cases are intended to protect instrumentation and facilitate the sterilization process by allowing steam penetration and drying. DJO
Surgical has verified through laboratory testing that our instrument cases are suitable for the sterilization cycles listed in the sterilization section of the IFU.
Health care personnel are ultimately responsible for ensuring that any packaging method or material, including a reusable rigid container system, is suitable
for use in sterilization processing and sterility maintenance in their particular health care facility. Testing should be conducted in a health care facility to
assure that conditions essential to sterilization can be achieved.
Keep instruments moist and do not allow blood and/or bodily fluids to dry on the instruments. The decontamination process should begin immediately after
the completion of the surgical procedure. If cleaning must be delayed, place instruments in a covered container with appropriate enzymatic detergent to
delay drying. Instruments should be cleaned within 30 minutes of use to minimize the potential for drying prior to cleaning.
Wash all instruments whether or not they were used or were inadvertently contacted with blood. Disassemble instruments with removable parts; loosen
instruments with movable parts, as applicable.
Saturate the surface completely with full strength disinfectant/cleaner* (e.g. CaviCide) and allow to remain in contact with devices for 5 minutes.
DJO Surgical rigid instrument cases may be washed and/or disinfected by using an automated washer-disinfection unit utilizing thermal disinfection.
Temperatures, cycles, and disinfectant type used should be as instructed by manufacturer of the washer-disinfection unit. For ultrasonic cleaning follow the
manufacturer's specifications for suggested water level and concentration. When using mechanical washers, make sure the instruments are secured
in place, and do not touch or overlap. Automated washer/disinfector systems are not recommended as the sole cleaning method for complex, surgical
instruments. Complex instrumentation should be cleaned in accordance with the procedure described in the manual cleaning section.
Recommendation for the Care and Handling for
DJO Surgical Instruments and Instrument Cases
DJO Surgical instruments and instrument cases are

Resumen de contenidos para Encore Medical djosurgical

  • Página 1 Instrumentos y estuches de instrumentos quirúrgicos de DJO Surgical Strumenti chirurgici e custodie DJO Surgical Χεηξνπξγηθά όξγαλα θαη ζήθεο νξγάλσλ DJO Surgical DJO Surgical Aletleri ve Alet Kutuları ______________________________________________________ Encore Medical, L.P. 9800 Metric Blvd. Austin, TX 78758 MDSS GmbH Schiffgraben 41...
  • Página 2: Contact Information

    An electronic version of this IFU can be located at: Some DJO Surgical products use SurgiBit® technology. The SurgiBit® technology is protected by the following patents: Drill Point protected under U.S. Design Patents D523313 & D523398.
  • Página 3 Empfehlungen zur Pflege und Handhabung der Instrumente und Instrumentenbehälter von DJO Surgical BESCHREIBUNG Instrumentensets von DJO Surgical umfassen Instrumente und passendes Zubehör zum Einsatz bei chirurgischen Eingriffen. DJO Surgical Produkte sollten WIEDERVERWENDBARER nur mit DJO Surgical Instrumenten bzw. mit von DJO Surgical vertriebenen Instrumenten implantiert werden. Instrumente und Instrumentenbehälter von INSTRUMENTE DJO Surgical bestehen im Allgemeinen aus Titan, Edelstahl, Aluminium und/oder Polymerwerkstoffen.
  • Página 4 Ergebnis zu erzielen. Dies erfordert normalerweise eine Validierung und routinemäßige Überwachung des Aufbereitungsprozesses. Eine elektronische Version dieser Anleitung finden Sie unter: Manche DJO Surgical Produkte verwenden SurgiBit® Technologie. Die SurgiBit® Technologie ist durch die folgenden Patente geschützt: Bohrspitze unter US-Designpatenten D523313 und D523398 geschützt.
  • Página 5 Recommandation pour l’entretien et la manipulation des instruments chirurgicaux et boîtiers à instruments DJO Surgical DESCRIPTION D’UN INSTRUMENT L’instrumentation chirurgicale DJO Surgical comprend divers dispositifs et accessoires destinés à être utilisés dans le cadre d’interventions chirurgicales. RÉUTILISABLE L’implantation des produits DJO Surgical ne doit être effectuée qu’avec les instruments DJO Surgical ou avec les instruments distribués par DJO Surgical. Les instruments chirurgicaux et boîtiers à...
  • Página 6 Une version électronique de ce mode d’emploi peut être téléchargée à : Certains produits DJO Surgical utilisent la technologie SurgiBit®. La technologie SurgiBit® est protégée par les brevets suivants : L’extrémité du foret est protégée par les brevets de conception américains...
  • Página 7 Recomendación para el cuidado y la manipulación de los instrumentos y los estuches de instrumentos quirúrgicos de DJO Surgical DESCRIPCIÓN DE INSTRUMENTO El instrumental de DJO Surgical consiste en dispositivos empleados en procedimientos quirúrgicos con sus accesorios correspondientes. La implantación REUTILIZABLE de productos DJO Surgical sólo debe realizarse con instrumental de DJO Surgical o con instrumental distribuido por DJO Surgical.
  • Página 8: Información De Contacto

    Esto suele requerir la validación y la monitorización sistemática del proceso. Puede consultarse una versión electrónica de estas instrucciones de uso en: Algunos productos DJO Surgical utilizan tecnología SurgiBit®. La tecnología SurgiBit® está protegida por las siguientes patentes: Punto de taladro protegido por las patentes de diseño estadounidenses...
  • Página 9 Consigli per la cura e il maneggio degli strumenti chirurgici e delle custodie DJO Surgical DESCRIZIONE DEGLI STRUMENTI Gli strumenti DJO Surgical comprendono i dispositivi e i relativi accessori utilizzati per procedure chirurgiche. L’impianto dei prodotti DJO Surgical va RIUTILIZZABILI eseguito esclusivamente con strumentazione DJO Surgical o con strumentazione distribuita da DJO Surgical.
  • Página 10 La versione elettronica delle presenti Istruzioni per l’uso è reperibile al seguente indirizzo: Alcuni prodotti DJO Surgical usano la tecnologia SurgiBit®. La tecnologia SurgiBit® è tutelata dai seguenti brevetti: Drill Point è tutelato dai brevetti di modello USA D523313 e D523398. Brevetti di utilità USA in...
  • Página 11 ΢ύζηαζη θρονηίδας και τειριζμού ηων οργάνων και ηων θηκών οργάνων DJO Surgical ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ Η νξγαλνινγία DJO Surgical απνηειείηαη από ζπζθεπέο θαη ηα εμαξηήκαηά ηνπο πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηνύληαη ζε ρεηξνπξγηθέο επεκβάζεηο. Η εκθύηεπζε ησλ ΕΠΑΝΑΥΡΗ΢ΙΜΟΠΟΙΗ΢Ι-ΜΟΤ πξντόλησλ ηεο DJO Surgical ζα πξέπεη λα δηελεξγείηαη κόλν κε ζύζηεκα εξγαιείσλ ηεο DJO Surgical ή ζύζηεκα εξγαιείσλ πνπ δηαλέκεηαη από ηελ ΟΡΓΑΝΟΤ...
  • Página 12 πξνθεηκέλνπ λα επηηεπρζεί ην επηζπκεηό απνηέιεζκα. Απηό θπζηνινγηθά απαηηεί επηθύξσζε θαη ηαθηηθή παξαθνινύζεζε ηεο δηαδηθαζίαο. Μπνξείηε λα βξείηε κηα ειεθηξνληθή έθδνζε απηώλ ησλ νδεγηώλ ρξήζεο ζηε δηεύζπλζε: Οξηζκέλα πξντόληα ηεο DJO Surgical ρξεζηκνπνηνύλ ηερλνινγία SurgiBit®. Η ηερλνινγία SurgiBit® πξνζηαηεύεηαη από ηα παξαθάησ δηπιώκαηα επξεζηηερλίαο: Η κύηε ηνπ ηξππαληνύ πξνζηαηεύεηαη από ηα...
  • Página 13 DJO Surgical Aletleri ve Alet Kutularının Bakımı ve Kullanımı için Öneri TEKRAR KULLANILABİLİR ALET DJO Surgical aletleri cerrahi işlemlerde kullanılan cihazlar ve aksesuarlarından oluşur. DJO Surgical ürünlerinin implantasyonu sadece DJO Surgical TANIMI enstrümentasyonu veya DJO Surgical tarafından dağıtılan enstrümentasyon ile yapılmalıdır. DJO Surgical aletleri ve alet kutuları...
  • Página 14 Bu kullanma talimatının elektronik bir sürümü şurada bulunabilir: Bazı DJO Surgical ürünleri SurgiBit® teknolojisi kullanır. SurgiBit® teknolojisi şu patentlerle korunmaktadır: Drill Point, ABD Tasarım Patentleri D523313 ve D523398 ile korunmaktadır. ABD Kullanım Patentleri...
  • Página 15 Single use – do not reuse Zum einmaligen Gebrauch – Nicht zur Wiederverwendung Usage unique – Ne pas réutiliser Para un solo uso, no reutilizar Monouso – Non riutilizzare Γηα κία ρξήζε – κελ επαλαρξεζηκνπνηείηε Tek kullanımlıktır – tekrar kullanmayın Expiration Date Verwendbar bis Date de péremption...
  • Página 16 Σύκβνιν απνζηείξωζεο: H2O2: Έρεη απνζηεηξωζεί κε ρξήζε αεξίνπ πιάζκαηνο ππεξνμεηδίνπ ηνπ πδξνγόλνπ Steril sembolü: H2O2: Hidrojen Peroksit Gaz Plasma Kullanılarak Sterilize Edilmiştir Non-sterile Nicht steril Non stérile  No estéril Non sterile Με ζηείξν Steril değildir See “Instructions for Use” Siehe „Gebrauchsanleitung“...