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Instructions for use
High-Spot Indicator
BK 85, BK 86, BK 87
Dr. Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG
Oskar-Schindler-Str. 4
50769 Cologne
Date of issue: 2020-03-27
General description and intended purpose of the medical product
is a contact color for testing the accurate fit of crowns, inlays, onlays, telescope crowns, clasps as
well as friction surfaces of attachments and occlusal surfaces (do not apply in oral cavity), like gold or ceram-
ics. Arti-Spot
can be applied to the surface to be tested with the enclosed brush (only for use in the laboratory)
or with a disposable application brush, leaving a thin film of paint within a few seconds, when the solvent has
The thin color skin is destroyed exactly at contact points and thus makes occlusion contacts or points of inter-
ferences visible when fitting crowns or telescopic crowns, for example.
For professional use only.
is a liquid contact color, available in the following colors: White (BK 85), Red (BK 86) and Blue (BK
87) for:
Testing the accurate fit of crowns, inlays, onlays, telescope crowns, clasps as well as friction surfaces of
attachments and occlusal surfaces (do not apply in oral cavity).
Contra indication
contains solvents and therefore must not be applied directly invasively. The contact color must be
applied outside the oral cavity on the surfaces of crowns, inlays, onlays, telescope crowns, clasps and fric-
tions to be tested and these may only be applied to the oral cavity (invasively applied) after the color has
dried (without solvent).
Possible side-effects can be allergic reactions.
can cause discoloration of prosthetic restorations made of plastic. It should only be used on metal
or ceramic surfaces.
The product must be stored in the sealed bottle at temperatures between 0°C and 40°C.
The product contains a solvent that can evaporate quickly. After use, the bottle must be closed again imme-
The solvent contained in the product is highly flammable. Do not use the product near sources of ignition
such as Bunsen burners (see also point Symbols).
When used on patients, always apply the paint to the parts to be tested with a disposable brush outside the
can be diluted with concentrated medical alcohol (ethanol 96%) to adjust the color viscosity.
may cause discoloration of prosthetic restorations made of plastic. It should only be used on
metal or ceramic surfaces.
can be applied to Bausch Fleximeter-Strips
Stains on plastic surfaces or other materials can be removed with a dry paper towel. Color residues can
also be removed with hot water or a steam jet. Tenacious paint residues can, if necessary, be dissolved and
removed with concentrated alcohol (ethanol 96%).
Package content
1 bottle Arti-Spot
, contents 15ml (screw cap with holder for the brush)
1 brush
Quick guide
Shake the bottle briefly before use (mixing balls are audible) so that the paint is mixed evenly; if the paint is
too viscous, it can be diluted with medical alcohol (ethanol 96%, undenatured) at any time.
Telefon: +49 221 70936-0
+49 221 70936-66
for combined usage.
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Resumen de contenidos para Bausch Arti-Spot BK 85

  • Página 1 Instructions for use ® Arti-Spot High-Spot Indicator BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Manufacturer Dr. Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG Telefon: +49 221 70936-0 Oskar-Schindler-Str. 4 Fax: +49 221 70936-66 50769 Cologne E-Mail: [email protected] Germany Internet: Date of issue: 2020-03-27 General description and intended purpose of the medical product ®...
  • Página 2: Disposal Instructions

    Instructions for use ® Arti-Spot High-Spot Indicator BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Application ® Arti-Spot is used in accordance with normal practice hygiene. • Color application (and start of application) ® Apply Arti-Spot sparingly with a brush to the surface to be tested. •...
  • Página 3 Instructions for use ® Arti-Spot High-Spot Indicator BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Permissible storage temperature range Conformity with the relevant EU regulations H224 Extremely flammable liquid and vapor P210 Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking.
  • Página 4 Gebrauchsanweisung Arti-Spot® High-Spot Indikator BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Hersteller Dr. Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG Telefon: +49 221 70936-0 Oskar-Schindler-Str. 4 Fax: +49 221 70936-66 50769 Köln E-Mail: [email protected] Germany Internet: Stand der Gebrauchsanweisung: 2020-03-27 Allgemeine Beschreibung und Zweckbestimmung des Medizinprodukts ®...
  • Página 5 Gebrauchsanweisung Arti-Spot® High-Spot Indikator BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Anwendung ® Das Produkt Arti-Spot wird unter Berücksichtigung der üblichen Praxishygiene benutzt. • Farbauftrag (und Anwendungsbeginn) ® Arti-Spot mit einem Pinsel auf die zu prüfende Fläche sparsam auftragen. • Die Farbe ca. 10 Sekunden lang antrocknen lassen. •...
  • Página 6 Gebrauchsanweisung Arti-Spot® High-Spot Indikator BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Unique Device Identifier (eindeutiger Produktidentifikator) Zulässiger Lagertemperaturbereich Konformität mit den relevanten EU-Regularien H224 Flüssigkeit und Dampf extrem entzündbar. P210 Von Hitze, heißen Oberflächen, Funken, offenen Flammen und anderen Zündquellen fernhalten. Nicht rauchen. P403 An einem gut belüfteten Ort aufbewahren.
  • Página 7: Preparación

    Instrucciones de Uso ® Arti-Spot Indicador puntos de contacto BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Fabricante Dr. Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG Teléfono: +49 221 70936-0 Oskar-Schindler-Str. 4 Fax: +49 221 70936-66 50769 Colonia E-Mail: [email protected] Alemania Internet: Fecha de emisión: 2020-03-27...
  • Página 8: Reusabilidad

    Instrucciones de Uso ® Arti-Spot Indicador puntos de contacto BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Aplicación ® Arti-Spot se utiliza de acuerdo con la higiene de la práctica normal. • Aplicación del color (y comienzo de la aplicación) ® Aplique el Arti-Spot con moderación con un pincel en la superficie a probar.
  • Página 9 Instrucciones de Uso ® Arti-Spot Indicador puntos de contacto BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Conformidad con la normative pertinente de la UE. H224 Líquido y vapores extremadamente inflamables P210 Mantener alejado del calor, superficies calientes, de chispas, de llamas abiertas y de qualquier otra fuente de ignición.
  • Página 10 Notice d'utilization ® Arti-Spot Indicateur High-Spot BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Fabricant Dr. Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG Téléphone : +49 221 70936-0 Oskar-Schindler-Str. 4 Fax : +49 221 70936-66 50769 Cologne E-Mail : [email protected] Allemagne Internet :
  • Página 11: Instructions D'élimination

    Notice d'utilization ® Arti-Spot Indicateur High-Spot BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Préparation • Avant utilisation, agitez brièvement le flacon de couleur (les billes de mélange sont audibles) afin que la peinture soit mélangée de manière homogène ; si la couleur est trop visqueuse, elle peut être diluée à tout moment avec de l'alcool médical (éthanol à...
  • Página 12 Notice d'utilization ® Arti-Spot Indicateur High-Spot BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Unique Device Identifier (identifiant unique du produit) Plage de température de stockage autorisée Conformité avec les règlements de l’UE applicables H224 Liquide et vapeurs extrêmement inflammables. P210 Tenir à l‘écart de la chaleur, des surfaces chaudes, des étincelles, des flammes nues et de toute autres sources d’inflammation.
  • Página 13 Istruzioni per l‘uso ® Arti-Spot Indicatore highspot BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Produttore Dr. Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG Telefon: +49 221 70936-0 Oskar-Schindler-Str. 4 Fax: +49 221 70936-66 50769 Colonia E-Mail: [email protected] Germany Internet: Data di emissione: 2020-03-27 Descrizione generale e destinazione d´...
  • Página 14 Istruzioni per l‘uso ® Arti-Spot Indicatore highspot BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Applicazione ® Il prodotto Arti-Spot viene utilizzato tenendo conto della igiene abituale in studio. • Applicazione di colore (e inizio dell'applicazione) ® Applicare un poco dello Arti-Spot con un pennello sulla superficie da controllare.
  • Página 15 Istruzioni per l‘uso ® Arti-Spot Indicatore highspot BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Limita di temperatura Marcatura della conformità H224 Liquido e vapori altamente infiammabili. P210 Tenere lontano da fonti di calore, superfici calde, scintille, fiamme libere o altre fonti di accensione.
  • Página 16 取り扱い説明書 ® Arti-Spot アルティ・スポット(適合検査液) BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 Manufacturer Dr. Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG Telefon: +49 221 70936-0 Oskar-Schindler-Str. 4 Fax: +49 221 70936-66 50769 Cologne E-Mail: [email protected] Germany Internet: 発行日: 2020-03-27 概 要 及 び 使 用 目 的...
  • Página 17 取り扱い説明書 ® Arti-Spot アルティ・スポット(適合検査液) BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 適 用 方 法 アルティ・スポットは衛生的な環境下において使用してください。 • 色の塗布方法 検査したい表面にブラシを使用して適用してください。 • 約 10 秒間放置し、乾燥させてください。 • その後、検査したい箇所に適用します。色の膜は摩擦面または接触点において破壊され、可視化されえま • す。 細菌の伝達を防ぐため、アプリケーターの再利用はしないでください。 • 調整後、色を取り除いてください。 • 効果・診断 摩擦面、接触点等の検査を行いたい補綴物等を口腔内に戻すと干渉箇所が検出されます。干渉箇所において色 の膜が破壊されます。補綴物の母材が見え簡単に入スポット等を検出できます。 再 使 用 安全にご使用いただくために、単回使用ブラシについての再使用はできません。 • ご使用による汚れまたはダメージ等の保証は行いません。 • 取扱説明書通り以外の使用においての責任は当社にて負いかねます。...
  • Página 18 取り扱い説明書 ® Arti-Spot アルティ・スポット(適合検査液) BK 85, BK 86, BK 87 保管条件 CE(欧州対応) H224 極めて引火性の高い液体および蒸気 P210 、高温のもの、火花、裸火および他の 着火源から遠ざけること。禁煙。 熱 P403 換気の良い場所で保管すること。 P235 涼しいところに置くこと。 H319 強い眼刺激 P280 保護手袋/保護衣/保護眼鏡/保護面を着用 すること。 P305 眼に入った場合: P351 水で数分間注意深く洗うこと。 P338 コンタクトレンズを着用していて容 易に外せる場合は外すこと。その後 も洗浄を続けること。 P337 眼の刺激が続く場合: P313 医師の診察/手当を受けること。 H336 眠気またはめまいのおそれ P261 粉じん/煙/ガス/ミスト/蒸気/スプレ...

Este manual también es adecuado para:

Arti-spot bk 86Arti-spot bk 87

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