HK Audio ELIAS Manual página 3

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

The Extended Level Integrated Active System, E.L.I.A.S. for short, is an
end-to-end active two-way satellite system featuring an onboard monitor
power amp.
The sound re i n f o rcement system ships with a subwoofer and two tops. All of
this PA's power amp circ u i t ry for the bass and top speakers as well as
additional monitors is housed in the subwoofer's multifunctional enclosure .
This includes the crossovers, frequency response correction circ u i t s ,
conventional limiters for the tweeters and monitor circuits, all power amp
and breaker circ u i t ry, as well as the proven Dynaclip circuit that pumps out
plenty of bottom end punch. The integrated electronic circ u i t ry is fine-tuned
to deliver the best rest results in concert with these speakers, making it
easy for you to come up with the great sound and ensuring superior impulse
response of the system. At the same time, with this setup you can be
absolutely certain that the system is protected from overloading. What's
m o re, E.L.I.A.S. is about as easy to handle as it gets. You don't have to
w o rry about tweaking frequencies and time-consuming sound checks try i n g
to determine the right levels, all you have to do is set up the system
components, connect the signal-carrying and AC power cords and you're
ready to ro l l .
Follow these steps to quickly and eff o rtlessly come up
with good sonic results using E.L.I.A.S.:
This electronically balanced XLR socket serves as the input for the
audio signal. You also have a parallel output available for connecting
additional power amps. The input is equipped with a Gain knob so
that you can adjust the E.L.I.A.S. power amp to the level of the input
signal to prevent distortion and come up with the best possible audio
re s u l t s .
The Signal Input MONITOR
H e re too an electronically balanced XLR socket jack as the input for
the audio signal. You also have a second socket at your disposal, it is
a parallel output designed to feed the signal to additional power
amps. The input is equipped with a Gain knob that that lets you tune
the E.L.I.A.S. power amp to the level of the input signal.
The Monitor / SATELLITE B Switch
This switch lets you change the MONITOR section assignment fro m
Monitor to Top mode. If the switch is set to the top position labeled
S ATELLITE B, the signal of SATELLITE A is automatically routed to the
MONITOR / SATELLITE B power amp section. The signal is pro c e s s e d
in the same manner as for SATELLITE A.