Intake device
The intake pipe has an inner diameter of 125 mm and as standard is screwed down to the extinguishing
water suction connection provided in the scope of supply in accordance with DIN 14244 by means of an A
fixed coupling. Please use the washer provided with a steel insert to seal the flange!
The sealing surfaces must be clean, dry and parallel, and the flanged connections must then be tightened
evenly and crosswise with a maximum torque of 85 Nm in several passes using the respective screw sets.
The extinguishing water suction connection should be built in accordance with DIN 14244 and is to be
checked on site.
Depending on installation and/or final finished height of the extinguishing water suction connection, the
intake pipe-extension sleeve supplied has to be adapted individually and/or ordered separately in the
desired special length.
You must ensure that the extinguishing water supply and corresponding intake devices are free from frost
and ice at all times.
In accordance with DIN 14230, the number of intake pipes depends on the capacity of the extinguishing
water tank: up to 150 m³ min. 1 pipe/ >150<300 m³ min. 2 pipes/ above 300 m³ min. 3 pipes.
There must be one vent pipe with an inner diameter of at least 100 mm for every intake pipe. If using
several extinguishing water tanks, there must be at least one vent pipe for each tank. The vent pipe must
be protected from contamination and blockages.
You must ensure that the extinguishing water supply and corresponding vent devices are free from frost
and ice at all times.
The post with holder for sign "Extinguishing Water Extraction Point", for securing directly to the intake
pipe, is included in the scope of delivery. The corresponding sign in accordance with DIN 4066-B2 with
the relevant extinguishing water volume details is supplied unlabeled for individual printing by the
customer. The sign must be attached to the holder permanently in a highly visible place.
Access ladder
In order to ensure a safe way of accessing the tank
base and rescuing people from inside the tank, the
access ladder provided must be permanently
installed in the tank dome with the associated
mounting kit as shown in the drawing. Back
protection is not permitted.
Extinguishing water removal components