.P. SELECTA s.a.
5) Begin to test
When the curve displays on the screen, you can use it to test the unknown sam-
ples' concentration. Just Press Test to do it.
6) Print
Press [PRINT] in the concentration measure interface, and the test results will be
printed. Standard Curve
1) Insert Blank Reference
Move the cursor on to «Standard Curve», then press ok. The system will ask you to
insert the blank reference.
a. Pull the blank cuvette in the light path, then close the compartment lid.
b. Press [GOTO] to set wavelength.
c. Press Ok to blank.
2) Input the number of standards
After blanking, the system will ask you to input the number of the standards.
Use [»] [«] to choose the number you need, then press Ok to confirm.
Note: At most 9 standards are permitted. Other number is invalid.
3) Input the concentration of standards
When you have finished the last step, the system will ask you to input the standards'
concentration one by one.
You should input the No.1 standard sample's concentration first as indicated in the
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