Counterfeit money detection (only rapidcount S 60 / 85)
The counterfeit money detection is already set for the Euro,
ex-factory. You can activate or deactivate individual detec-
tion features of S 60 separately with the buttons IR (in-
frared), UV (ultraviolet) and MG (magnetic). You can activate
or deactivate the authenticity detection features of the S 85
all together with the CD button (Counterfeit Detection).The
detection is active if the respective button illuminates. Upon
detection of a fake or suspect bank note, the machine stops
and a corresponding error message is displayed (see error
massages on the display).
Batch function
You activate the batch / stack function using the BAT but-
ton. Whenever you press the button, default values change
as follows: 100/50/20/10/5. If you wish to count a different
piece number of bank notes, use the button "+1" in order
to increase the default value step-by-step. If you hold the
"+1" button pressed, the value increases in quick mode up
to maximum 999. The machine stops as soon as the default
piece number is reached. After removing the bank notes,
the machine automatically starts a new counting process if
some bank notes still lie in the bank-note feeder.
The batching / stacking function is deactivated by pressing
the CE button.
Adding function
With this function, it is possible to add several counting
processes. If this function is activated then the counter is
not reset to "0" after removing the money. In the display
the overall piece number of all counted bank notes is displa-
yed (S 20 and S 60 up to max. 999 pieces; S 85 up to max.
60.000 pieces of total-value display max. 99.999). To reset
the counter again to "0," press CE.
Report function
With this function, you can have the counting result displa-
yed in detail.Using the button "REP," the piece number and
the total-value of individual bank note types can be displa-
yed. On the right side of the display, the type of bank note
to be displayed is seen. First, the piece number appears and
then the total value of the respective type of bank note.
Print function (only S 85)
By pressing the "P" button, the counting report is printed
out on the printer.