The following situations:
• Inappropriate use,
• Lack of maintenance,
• Use of removable accessories or parts not approved by B.A. International,
• Using accessories from other devices on this MD,
• Change or addition to a MD not validated by B.A. International.
Relieve B.A. International of all guarantee obligations or other claims.
These MDs comply with the Community Directive 93/42/CEE as amended
by the 2007/47/CEE directive.
Prior to use, check that the device has not been damaged in any way and
that no parts are missing.
Wear appropriate protection, especially gloves, a mask and glasses.
Do not use the MD and inform your distributor or B.A. International
After-Sales (AS) in the following situations :
• visible failure or damage,
• non-existent or insuffi cient irrigation (at least 50 ml/min, correctly
tempered and oriented in an optimum manner),
• scratch or damage to the emitting side of the LED.
Risk of damage to the device and injury, wait until the motor has completely
stopped to:
• connect/disconnect the MD from the motor,
• turn the assembly/disassembly system on,
• turn the locking/unlocking system for the rotary instrument on,
• handle the rotary instrument.
Assess the risk of septic substances penetrating tissue if used with a
central air cooling motor (refer to the motor manufacturer's leafl et).
Warning : this MD has a ball bearing system. The power is maintained :
• For motors having a torque calibration system (like the
unit): you must calibrate the contra-angle as directed by the manufacturer.
The motor must have been calibrated for the used contra-angle.
• For any other motors: make sure that the displayed torque values are right.