Sterilisation of medical devices must be done by properly trained and
protected staff, in compliance with current regulations. The sterilisation
protocol must be appropriate to the infectious risk.
Wear appropriate protective clothing: risk of infection and injury.
Only use products for the maintenance of medico-surgical equipment
compatible with stainless steel (no chlorinated content).
Forbid antiseptics that are intended for use on skin and mucous.
Forbid products containing aldehyde, alcohol or other products likely to
bind proteins.
For each product used: refer to the manufacturer's instructions.
Comply with the concentrations, exposure durations, and life span of
products. Do not mix the products and follow the instructions for their
VI.1 - Preparation of MD in the place of use
To be done immediately after surgery (maximum time of 2 hrs):
• Disconnect the MD from the motor,
• Remove the rotary tool (see § V.6),
• Remove the largest organic contaminants with disinfectant wipes.
VI.2 - Preparation for sterilisation
Disassembly of MD (Fig 1):
• Remove the rotary instrument,
• Disconnect the MD from the motor,
• Remove the rotary instrument and the spraying nozzle.
• Pivot the F lever up to the stop (indifferently towards the right or
towards the left),
• Pull the A head,
• Remove the collar cartridge D.
VI.2.1 - Manual preparation for sterilisation
Cleaning of irrigation pipe:
Carefully clean the irrigation pipe and remove any impurities and
deposits from it using the caustic cleaner spray.
Risk of injury: use protective glasses.
By brushing:
Brush each part under running water with a soft brush.
Lighting lens (LED or Fibre optic):
• Absolutely avoid all scratches to the LED or the fi bre optic,