Common fastening methods for round slings:
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a) direct
b) simple threading
c) simple hooked on without an inclination angle
d) simply hooked on with an inclination angle
Common fastening methods for using round slings in pairs
a) direct
b) threaded
If more than one lifting strap is used for the lifting process,
they must all be identical.
Uneven stretching of the round slings poses a danger of tilting
the load.
With symmetrical load distribution, equal strap lengths and
equal angles according to BGR 500 for a 4-strap hanger, only
three straps are considered to bear load.
With asymmetrical load distribution and/or unequal angles,
with 2-strap hangers, only one strap can be considered
load-bearing, and with 3-strap or 4-strap hangers, only two straps can
be considered load-bearing.
If round slings are used in pairs, use of a cross member is
recommended, so that the load is distributed evenly
3.3 Choosing the nominal load capacity
The round slings' nominal load capacity must be greater than or equal
to the load's mass. When choosing the round slings, pay attention to
which fastening method and with what tilt angle the lifting process
is to take place, because this affects the useful load capacity of the
lifting strap. The lifting strap must lie completely on the load suspen-
sion device (e.g. crane hook) and on the load.