Instructions for Use Machine Light MZA(C),MZE(C) "FLAT TEC"
MZA(C) = Light for mounting
on machines
MZE(C) = Light to be built
into machines
With the new FLAT TEC series, Waldmann creates a new light series for the basic illumination of machine tools
and machining centres. The extremely flat design allows the customer a better use of the working area without
renouncing the usual great lighting power of the Waldmann machine lights.
FLAT TEC lights of Waldmann are available as mounted lights or as built-in lights. A great selection of differ-
ent lengths and widths and the choice between various lamp types having different emission characteristics
allow a more universal use.
A housing made of anodized aluminum and a protective safety glass pane are resistant to hot and sharp-edged
chips. The housing is water-proof and resistant to coolants and lubricants.
Apart from the good lighting power, the robust design and the usual good workmanship, the light is characterised
by its ease of service: to replace the lamp, the lights can be opened on the rear or on the front side.