WimTec SanTec SPLASH Instrucciones Para El Montaje Y El Funcionamiento página 12

Possibilities for adjustments on the dip-switch
Dip 1
Dip 2
Dip 3
Dip 4
Dip 5
Dip 6
Cleaning stop:
Continuous flow:
Hygiene flushing:
Close range reflex
Via close range reflex (hold hand approx. 2 cm in front of infrared window) it is possible to activate
cleaning stop and continuous flow.
Position „ON"
Position "OFF"
Position „ON": Cleaning stop active
Position „OFF: No cleaning stop
Position „ON": Continuous flow active
Position „OFF": No continuous flow
Position „ON": 24h hygiene flushing active
Position „OFF": No 24h hygiene flushing
Water flow, as long as user is in the infrared active range.
(stops after adjusted flushing time
180 s, if Dip 3 "ON" (can be activated through 5 close
range reflex impulses - through 3 close range reflex
impulses the cleaning stop mode can be de-activated
in time)
if Dip 4 "ON" (can be activated through 3 close range
reflex impulses, and is activated for the adjusted flushing
time - through 3 close range reflex impulses the continuous
flow can be de-activated in time)
24 h after the last flushing, if Dip 5 "ON";
Time of hygiene flushing: 10 s
close range relfex