Help in case of trouble
parallel compensated
Lead-lag circuit:
Compact fluoresecent lamps
parallel compensated
Mercury vapour lamps
parallel compensated
Electronic ballasts
Help in case of trouble
Operation via the bus impossible
Cause 1: no bus voltage
Switch on the bus voltage; check installation.
Cause 2: application software halted, programming LED flashing
Disconnect the device from the bus, reconnect after 5 seconds.
Cause 3: no or faulty application software.
Have the programming checked and rectified.
1300 W, 140 µF
2300 W, 140 µF
2500 W
1300 W, 140 µF
2000 W
2000 W, 140 µF
list of types see product documentation
2500 W, 200 µF
3680 W, 200 µF
3680 W
2500 W, 200 µF
3680 W
3680 W, 200µF