Menu functions
Menu functions
8.1. Shaking operation On/Off
Adjustment of parameters which, in most instances, need only be
adjusted once, are performed on the water bath at menu level.
1. Shaking operation On/Off
2. Circulator pump On/Off
(Only shaking water bath SW23).
3. MULTI-DISPLAY temperature display in °C or °F
4. ATC (absolute temperature calibration)
5. Switchover to remote controlled operation
6. Adjustment of interface parameters
7. Adjustment of the high and low temperature limit. Choice
between pure warning function or a temperature limit by
switching off the heating.
Selecting/exiting the menu level.
• Simultaneously
press the cursor key
Press the cursor key
Use the cursor keys
„shaking operation"
example: „SA1" = shaking frequency ON.
Select the alternative state with the edit keys
confirm the selection with the ENTER key
The display now shows „SA0" = shaking frequency OFF.
and enter
and enter
at the same time.
to select the menu option