0 º
C lo s e d
P a rtia lly o p e n
It is vital to use an abundant load for lighting.
The following loads will be according to your
heating requirements.
1 8 0 º
T o ta l
o p e n
9 0 º
Figure 1
Once the fireplace is working normally
and the chimney has been perfectly heated,
adjust combustion by opening and closing the
cinder tray door so that, when completely
closed, combustion becomes slower and the
air entering through the top of the fireplace
door produces double combustion of the hot
gases (ver figura 1) that are given off by the
solid fuel (wood or coal).
This combustion is produced in the top of the
fireplace and it can be seen that the flames are
slower and darker (it is not recommendable to
keep the fireplace under these working conditions
for a long time, as the glass may be stained).
When the cinder tray door is fully or partially
reopened (0º-180º), the air enters through the
lower part of the fireplace (see figure 2) and
livelier and acquire a shiny colour.
Figure 2