Maintenance / Entretien / Mantenimiento
- Use only soap detergents for cleaning and dry with a soft cloth. Do not use abrasive, corrosive, chemical detergents,
disinfectants, alcohol, acids or solvents. Do not use abrasive sponges, steel wools, etc. as they damage the product surface
In case of chalky or aggressive water, dry right after use because the deposits could affect the product surface.
- Pour le nettoyage, utiliser uniquement des détergents avec du savon et sécher avec un chiffon doux. Ne pas utiliser de produits
abrasifs, corrosifs ou contenant des agents chimiques, des alcools, des acides ou des solvants. Eviter également l'utilisation
d'éponges abrasives, laine d'acier, etc. qui
brillante ou satinée. En présence de calcaire ou d'eau agressive sécher après utilisation car les dépôts pourraient affecter la
surface du produit.
- Para limpiar, utilice sólo detergentes con jabón y secar con un paño suave. No utilice detergentes abrasivos, corrosivos
o que contienen agentes químicos, alcoholes, ácidos o disolventes. También evitar el uso de esponjas abrasivas, lana de
acero, etc. que irreparablemente dañar las superficies del producto, lo que afecta el brillo o satinado. En presencia de piedra
caliza o aguas agresivas para secar después de su uso ya que los depósitos podrían afectar a la superficie del producto.
This document explains the warranty for products purchased from SIMAS, according to the conditions described below:
1.The WARRANTY allows SIMAS, to either repair or replace the produt in accordance with what is deemed the best solution for the
defective product. This warranty applies to product sold by an authorized retailer within the territory of the United States United of
America and Canada. Sales made outside the United States United of America and Canada are not included within the scope of this
warranty unless expressly agreed by SIMAS.
2.This warranty does not cover labor and shipping charges, or damages whatever incurred in the shole or in part from installation,
removal, re-installation, repair or replacement of any SIMAS product or part, as well as any incidental or consequential damages,
expenses, losses, direct or indirect, arising from any cause whatsoever.
3.The duration of the warranty is 2 years from the invoice or receipt date of the purchase or, it applicable, the delivery not if its date
were after of the aforementioned documents. If the product was a display or demonstration model for the retailer the warranty will
only be applicable for one year.
4.SIMAS guarantees its products and components against any manufacturing defect, provided that they have been correctly
installed (in compliance with the standard in force and the instructions indicated for their assembly, maintenance and conservation)
and that they have been used correctly and as their design intended.
5.Consumable articles (rubber elements, gaskets, etc:) are not covered by this warranty.
6.The following is excluded from this WARRANTY:
a.Damage resulting from transport.
b.Damage resulting from incorrect installation, handling or repairs performed by staff not authorized by SIMAS, as well as damage
due to natural wear, poor trearment, and use and maintenance which is incorrect, unsuitable, abnormal or different from usual
and/or to that indicated in the relevant instructions.
c.Damage caused by dirt, limescale and other physical, chemical or electrochemical defects.
d.Damage, or loss sustained in any natural calamity such as fire, earthquake, flood, thunder, electrical storm, etc.
e.Damage which, viewed objectively, cannot be attributed to the manufacturer.
7. This warranty is extended to the first purchaser at retail and is not transferable. The original sales receipt must be available to
exercise the warranty.
8. For any questions or warranty service requests, please contact SIMAS' North American distributor, AD WATERS:
SIMAS S.p.A. Str. Prov. Falerina km 3 01033 Civita Castellana (VT) ITALY
les surfaces des produits, affectant ainsi la finition